itk-wasm in a web browser application via Vite

This example demonstrates how to use itk-wasm in a web browser application built with Vite. Find the code in itk-wasm/examples/Vite.

itk-wasm asynchronously downloads web worker JavaScript and WebAssembly Emscripten modules on demand. For itk-wasm to work:

  • Copy itk-wasm Javascript and WebAssembly files to a public directory

  • Tell itk-wasm the location to download the Javascript and WebAssembly files in the public directory

Copy itk-wasm Javascript and WebAssembly files to a public directory

In the Vite example, vite.config.js uses vite-plugin-static-copy to move prebuilt itk-wasm files to the /dist directory.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { viteStaticCopy } from 'vite-plugin-static-copy'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    // put lazy loaded JavaScript and Wasm bundles in dist directory
      targets: [
        { src: 'node_modules/itk-wasm/dist/web-workers/*', dest: 'dist/itk/web-workers' },
          src: 'node_modules/itk-image-io/*',
          dest: 'dist/itk/image-io',
          src: 'node_modules/itk-mesh-io/*',
          dest: 'dist/itk/mesh-io',
          rename: 'mesh-io'

The Vite config copies web-workers directory, which asynchronously perform IO or runs processing pipelines in a background thread.

The config copies the complete image-io and mesh-io directories. You may want to copy a subset of image-io or mesh-io files, based on what features you use of itk-wasm.

Tell itk-wasm the location to download the Javascript and WebAssembly files

To change the location of the itk-wasm web worker and Emscripten modules, configure Vite’s resolve.alias setting.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import path from 'path'

const itkConfig = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'itkConfig.js')

export default defineConfig({
  resolve: {
    // where itk-wasm code has 'import ../itkConfig.js` point to the path of itkConfig
    alias: {
      '../itkConfig.js': itkConfig,
      '../../itkConfig.js': itkConfig

The itkConfig.js file holds paths where itk-wasm fetches assets at runtime.

const itkConfig = {
  pipelineWorkerUrl: '/itk/web-workers/min-bundles/pipeline.worker.js',
  imageIOUrl: '/itk/image-io',
  meshIOUrl: '/itk/mesh-io',
  pipelinesUrl: '/itk/pipelines'

export default itkConfig

Test the example

In the example directory


npm install
npm run start

And visit http://localhost:8080/.

Test static bundled assets

npm run build
npm run start:production

Run Cypress end to end tests

npm run build
npm run test