Help on Image in module SimpleITK.SimpleITK object:
class Image(builtins.object)
| Image(*args)
| The Image class for SimpleITK.
| This Image class can represent 2D, 3D, and 4D images. The pixel types may be a
| scalar, a multi-component vector or a run-length-encoded (RLE)
| "label". The dimension, pixel type and size is specified at
| construction.
| A fundamental concept of ITK images is that they occupy physical space
| where the image is defined by an origin, spacing, and direction cosine
| matrix. The attributes are taken into consideration when doing most
| operations on an image. A meta-data dictionary is also associated with
| the image, which may contain additional fields from reading but these
| attributes are not propagated by image filters.
| The SimpleITK Image provides a single facade interface to several ITK image types.
| Internally, the SimpleITK Image maintains a pointer to the ITK image class, and performs reference
| counting and lazy copying. This means that deep copying of an image
| including it's buffer is delayed until the image is modified. This
| removes the need to use pointers to SimpleITK Image class, as copying and returning by value do not unnecessarily
| duplicate the data.
| /sa itk::Image itk::VectorImage itk::LabelMap itk::ImageBase
| C++ includes: sitkImage.h
| Methods defined here:
| CopyInformation(self, srcImage)
| CopyInformation(Image self, Image srcImage)
| Copy common meta-data from an image to this one.
| Copies the Origin, Spacing, and Direction from the source image to
| this image. The meta-data dictionary is not copied.
| It is required for the source Image's dimension and size to match, this image's attributes, otherwise an
| exception will be generated.
| EraseMetaData(self, key)
| EraseMetaData(Image self, std::string const & key) -> bool
| Remove an entry from the meta-data dictionary.
| Returns true, when the value exists in the dictionary and is removed,
| false otherwise.
| GetDepth(self)
| GetDepth(Image self) -> unsigned int
| Get the number of pixels the Image is in the third dimension or 0 if the Image is only 2D
| GetDimension(self)
| GetDimension(Image self) -> unsigned int
| Get the number of physical dimensions.
| Only the spatial dimensions are considered here. These are the
| dimensions the origin, spacing and direction cosine matrix are
| applicable to. This does not include the pixels' vector index as a
| dimension.
| GetDirection(self)
| GetDirection(Image self) -> VectorDouble
| GetHeight(self)
| GetHeight(Image self) -> unsigned int
| Get the number of pixels the Image is in the second dimension
| GetITKBase(self, *args)
| GetITKBase(Image self) -> itk::DataObject
| GetITKBase(Image self) -> itk::DataObject const *
| GetMetaData(self, key)
| GetMetaData(Image self, std::string const & key) -> std::string
| Get the value of a meta-data dictionary entry as a string.
| If the key is not in the dictionary then an exception is thrown.
| string types in the dictionary are returned as their native strings.
| Other types are printed to string before returning.
| GetMetaDataKeys(self)
| GetMetaDataKeys(Image self) -> VectorString
| get a vector of keys in from the meta-data dictionary
| Returns a vector of keys to the key/value entries in the image's meta-
| data dictionary. Iterate through with these keys to get the values.
| GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel(self)
| GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel(Image self) -> unsigned int
| Get the number of components for each pixel.
| For scalar images this methods returns 1. For vector images the number
| of components for each pixel is returned.
| GetNumberOfPixels(self)
| GetNumberOfPixels(Image self) -> uint64_t
| Get the number of pixels in the image.
| To Calculate the total number of values stored continuously for the
| image's buffer, the NumberOfPixels should be multiplied by
| NumberOfComponentsPerPixel in order to account for multiple component
| images.
| GetOrigin(self)
| GetOrigin(Image self) -> VectorDouble
| GetPixel(self, *idx)
| Returns the value of a pixel.
| This method takes 2 parameters in 2D: the x and y index,
| and 3 parameters in 3D: the x, y and z index.
| GetPixelAsComplexFloat64(self, idx)
| GetPixelAsComplexFloat64(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> std::complex< double >
| GetPixelID(self)
| GetPixelID(Image self) -> itk::simple::PixelIDValueEnum
| Get the pixel type
| The pixel type is set at construction type and can not be manually
| changed, unless by assignment. The value may be -1 or "Unknown".
| GetPixelIDTypeAsString(self)
| GetPixelIDTypeAsString(Image self) -> std::string
| Return the pixel type as a human readable string value.
| GetPixelIDValue(self)
| GetPixelIDValue(Image self) -> itk::simple::PixelIDValueType
| GetSize(self)
| GetSize(Image self) -> VectorUInt32
| Get the number of pixels the Image is in each dimension as a std::vector. The size of the vector is
| equal to the number of dimensions for the image.
| GetSpacing(self)
| GetSpacing(Image self) -> VectorDouble
| GetWidth(self)
| GetWidth(Image self) -> unsigned int
| Get the number of pixels the Image is in the first dimension
| HasMetaDataKey(self, key)
| HasMetaDataKey(Image self, std::string const & key) -> bool
| Query the meta-data dictionary for the existence of a key.
| MakeUnique(self)
| MakeUnique(Image self)
| Performs actually coping if needed to make object unique.
| The Image class by default performs lazy coping and assignment. This method
| make sure that coping actually happens to the itk::Image pointed to is only pointed to by this object.
| SetDirection(self, direction)
| SetDirection(Image self, VectorDouble direction)
| SetMetaData(self, key, value)
| SetMetaData(Image self, std::string const & key, std::string const & value)
| Set an entry in the meta-data dictionary.
| Replaces or creates an entry in the image's meta-data dictionary.
| SetOrigin(self, origin)
| SetOrigin(Image self, VectorDouble origin)
| SetPixel(self, *args)
| Sets the value of a pixel.
| This method takes 3 parameters in 2D: the x and y index then the value,
| and 4 parameters in 3D: the x, y and z index then the value.
| SetPixelAsComplexFloat64(self, idx, v)
| SetPixelAsComplexFloat64(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, std::complex< double > const v)
| SetSpacing(self, spacing)
| SetSpacing(Image self, VectorDouble spacing)
| TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(self, index)
| TransformContinuousIndexToPhysicalPoint(Image self, VectorDouble index) -> VectorDouble
| Transform continuous index to physical point
| TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(self, index)
| TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(Image self, VectorInt64 index) -> VectorDouble
| Transform index to physical point
| TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex(self, point)
| TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex(Image self, VectorDouble point) -> VectorDouble
| Transform physical point to continuous index
| TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(self, point)
| TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(Image self, VectorDouble point) -> VectorInt64
| Transform physical point to index
| __GetPixelAsComplexFloat32__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsComplexFloat32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> std::complex< float >
| __GetPixelAsDouble__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsDouble__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> double
| __GetPixelAsFloat__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsFloat__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> float
| __GetPixelAsInt16__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsInt16__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> int16_t
| __GetPixelAsInt32__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsInt32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> int32_t
| __GetPixelAsInt64__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsInt64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> int64_t
| __GetPixelAsInt8__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsInt8__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> int8_t
| __GetPixelAsUInt16__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsUInt16__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> uint16_t
| __GetPixelAsUInt32__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsUInt32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> uint32_t
| __GetPixelAsUInt64__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsUInt64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> uint64_t
| __GetPixelAsUInt8__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsUInt8__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> uint8_t
| __GetPixelAsVectorFloat32__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorFloat32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorFloat
| __GetPixelAsVectorFloat64__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorFloat64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorDouble
| __GetPixelAsVectorInt16__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorInt16__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorInt16
| __GetPixelAsVectorInt32__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorInt32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorInt32
| __GetPixelAsVectorInt64__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorInt64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorInt64
| __GetPixelAsVectorInt8__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorInt8__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorInt8
| __GetPixelAsVectorUInt16__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorUInt16__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorUInt16
| __GetPixelAsVectorUInt32__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorUInt32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorUInt32
| __GetPixelAsVectorUInt64__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorUInt64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorUInt64
| __GetPixelAsVectorUInt8__(self, idx)
| __GetPixelAsVectorUInt8__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx) -> VectorUInt8
| __SetPixelAsComplexFloat32__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsComplexFloat32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, std::complex< float > const v)
| __SetPixelAsDouble__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsDouble__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, double v)
| __SetPixelAsFloat__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsFloat__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, float v)
| __SetPixelAsInt16__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsInt16__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, int16_t v)
| __SetPixelAsInt32__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsInt32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, int32_t v)
| __SetPixelAsInt64__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsInt64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, int64_t v)
| __SetPixelAsInt8__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsInt8__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, int8_t v)
| __SetPixelAsUInt16__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsUInt16__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, uint16_t v)
| __SetPixelAsUInt32__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsUInt32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, uint32_t v)
| __SetPixelAsUInt64__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsUInt64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, uint64_t v)
| __SetPixelAsUInt8__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsUInt8__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, uint8_t v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorFloat32__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorFloat32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorFloat v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorFloat64__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorFloat64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorDouble v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorInt16__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorInt16__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorInt16 v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorInt32__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorInt32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorInt32 v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorInt64__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorInt64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorInt64 v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorInt8__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorInt8__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorInt8 v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorUInt16__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorUInt16__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorUInt16 v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorUInt32__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorUInt32__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorUInt32 v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorUInt64__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorUInt64__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorUInt64 v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorUInt8__(self, idx, v)
| __SetPixelAsVectorUInt8__(Image self, VectorUInt32 idx, VectorUInt8 v)
| __abs__(self)
| __add__(self, other)
| __and__(self, other)
| __del__ lambda self
| __div__(self, other)
| __eq__(self, other)
| Return self==value.
| __floordiv__(self, other)
| __ge__(self, other)
| Return self>=value.
| __getattr__ lambda self, name
| __getitem__(self, idx)
| Get an pixel value or a sliced image.
| This operator implements basic indexing where idx is
| arguments or a squence of integers the same dimension as
| the image. The result will be a pixel value from that
| index.
| Multi-dimension extended slice based indexing is also
| implemented. The return is a copy of a new image. The
| standard sliced based indices are supported including
| negative indices, to indicate location relative to the
| end, along with negative step sized to indicate reversing
| of direction.
| If the length of idx is less than the number of dimension
| of the image it will be padded with the defaults slice
| ":".
| A 2D image can be extracted from a 3D image by providing
| one argument being an integer instead of a slice.
| __gt__(self, other)
| Return self>value.
| __iadd__(self, other)
| # NOTE: the __i*__ methods are not implemented because there
| # currently in no way to make the underlying filters run
| # inplace. But python will implement a default version based
| # on the standard method
| __init__(self, *args)
| __init__(itk::simple::Image self) -> Image
| __init__(itk::simple::Image self, Image img) -> Image
| __init__(itk::simple::Image self, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, itk::simple::PixelIDValueEnum valueEnum) -> Image
| __init__(itk::simple::Image self, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int depth, itk::simple::PixelIDValueEnum valueEnum) -> Image
| __init__(itk::simple::Image self, VectorUInt32 size, itk::simple::PixelIDValueEnum valueEnum, unsigned int numberOfComponents=0) -> Image
| __invert__(self)
| __iter__(self)
| __le__(self, other)
| Return self<=value.
| __len__(self)
| __lt__(self, other)
| Return self<value.
| __mod__(self, other)
| __mul__(self, other)
| __ne__(self, other)
| Return self!=value.
| __neg__(self)
| __or__(self, other)
| __pos__(self)
| __pow__(self, other)
| __radd__(self, other)
| __rand__(self, other)
| __rdiv__(self, other)
| __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
| __rfloordiv__(self, other)
| __rmul__(self, other)
| __ror__(self, other)
| __rpow__(self, other)
| __rsub__(self, other)
| __rtruediv__(self, other)
| __rxor__(self, other)
| __setattr__ lambda self, name, value
| __setitem__(self, idx, value)
| Sets the pixel value at index idx to value.
| The dimension of idx should match that of the image.
| __str__(self)
| __str__(Image self) -> std::string
| __sub__(self, other)
| __truediv__(self, other)
| __xor__(self, other)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Static methods defined here:
| __swig_destroy__ = delete_Image(...)
| delete_Image(Image self)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors defined here:
| __dict__
| dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| __hash__ = None
| __swig_getmethods__ = {}
| __swig_setmethods__ = {}