Expand With Interpolators 
This notebook demonstrates the different interpolators available in SimpleITK available for image resampling. Their effect is demonstrated on the Marschner-Lobb image.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
import math
In [2]:
def myshow(img, title=None, margin=0.05):
if img.GetDimension() == 3:
img = sitk.Tile(
img[img.GetSize()[0] // 2, :, :],
img[:, img.GetSize()[1] // 2, :],
img[:, :, img.GetSize()[2] // 2],
[2, 2],
aimg = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(img)
xsize, ysize = aimg.shape
dpi = 80
# Make a figure big enough to accommodate an axis of xpixels by ypixels
# as well as the ticklabels, etc...
figsize = (1 + margin) * ysize / dpi, (1 + margin) * xsize / dpi
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
# Make the axis the right size...
ax = fig.add_axes([margin, margin, 1 - 2 * margin, 1 - 2 * margin])
t = ax.imshow(aimg)
if len(aimg.shape) == 2:
if title:
In [3]:
def marschner_lobb(size=40, alpha=0.25, f_M=6.0):
img = sitk.PhysicalPointSource(
sitk.sitkVectorFloat32, [size] * 3, [-1] * 3, [2.0 / size] * 3
imgx = sitk.VectorIndexSelectionCast(img, 0)
imgy = sitk.VectorIndexSelectionCast(img, 1)
imgz = sitk.VectorIndexSelectionCast(img, 2)
del img
r = sitk.Sqrt(imgx**2 + imgy**2)
del imgx, imgy
pr = sitk.Cos((2.0 * math.pi * f_M) * sitk.Cos((math.pi / 2.0) * r))
return (1.0 - sitk.Sin((math.pi / 2.0) * imgz) + alpha * (1.0 + pr)) / (
2.0 * (1.0 + alpha)
In [4]:
In [5]:
ml = marschner_lobb()
ml = ml[:, :, ml.GetSize()[-1] // 2]
myshow(sitk.Expand(ml, [5] * 3, sitk.sitkNearestNeighbor), title="nearest neighbor")
myshow(sitk.Expand(ml, [5] * 3, sitk.sitkLinear), title="linear")
myshow(sitk.Expand(ml, [5] * 3, sitk.sitkBSpline3), title="b-spline order 3")
myshow(sitk.Expand(ml, [5] * 3, sitk.sitkGaussian), title="Gaussian")
sitk.Expand(ml, [5] * 3, sitk.sitkHammingWindowedSinc),
title="Hamming windowed sinc",
sitk.Expand(ml, [5] * 3, sitk.sitkBlackmanWindowedSinc),
title="Blackman windowed sinc",
sitk.Expand(ml, [5] * 3, sitk.sitkCosineWindowedSinc), title="Cosine windowed sinc"
sitk.Expand(ml, [5] * 3, sitk.sitkWelchWindowedSinc), title="Welch windowed sinc"
sitk.Expand(ml, [5] * 3, sitk.sitkLanczosWindowedSinc),
title="Lanczos windowed sinc",