Get Your Brain Together Hackathons

Information on Light-sheet datasets

Directory Structure

All files required for light sheet alignment can be found in: hackathon/2022_GYBS/input/lightsheet

The atlas you will register to is provided in nifti form: hackathon/2022_GYBS/input/lightsheet/reference/average_template_25_mm_half.nii.gz

The datasets you will register to the atlas are found in: hackathon/2022_GYBS/input/lightsheet/subject/ These are provided at the same resolution as the atlas (25um/vox) in nifti files. We provide 6 replicates. They are named subject{i}_25.nii.gz.

Nifti is seldom used in light-sheet microscopy because it does not play nice with very large files. Therefore, we provide the same data as NGFF files in the same folder. These are named subject{i}_25.zarr. It is preferred you use these datasets. These zarr files also contain a resolution pyramid if you need it. If you would like to understand how the metadata is laid out in this data, take a look at the spec here.

For those looking for an extra challenge, a full resolution dataset is provided at: hackathon/2022_GYBS/input/lightsheet/subject/subject0.zarr If you can register this file without the need to first down-sample it would be a huge boon! The dataset contains a full resolution pyramid as well.

Reading the datasets

Instructions for reading the datasets are provided here for python. I recommend using nibabel and zarr packages.

Example working with the atlas:

from pathlib import Path

import nibabel as nib

# loading the atlas nifti file
ATLAS_SOURCE = Path('lightsheet/reference/average_template_25_mm_half.nii.gz')
img = nib.load(ATLAS_SOURCE)
# indexing into the array is similar to numpy
new = img.slicer[0]
# If you want to save a nifti you can use this syntax, ATLAS_SINK)

Example reading the challenge dataset nifti files in bulk:

from pathlib import Path

import nibabel as nib

# set root path to folder containing nifti files
root = Path('lightsheet/subject/')
# get a list of all the challenge dataset nifti files
files = list(root.glob('subject*_25.nii.gz'))
# iterate over the files and read them
for f in files:
    img = nib.load(f)
    # indexing into the array is similar to numpy
    new = img.slicer[0]

Example reading the challenge dataset NGFF files in bulk:

from pathlib import Path

import zarr

# set root path to folder containing nifti files
root = Path('lightsheet/subject/')
# get a list of all the challenge dataset nifti files
files = list(root.glob('subject*_25.zarr'))
# iterate over the files and read them
for f in files:
    # open the dataset
    dataset =
    # get full size image
    image = dataset['0']
    # copy the image to a numpy array 
    array = image[:]
    # the data has 5 dimensions (TCZYX). Lets squeeze out T and C since they have length 1 and 
    # just get a 3d Z,Y,X array.
    array = array.squeeze()
    # most of the relevant metadata can be found here. The metadata is stored as a json so you 
    # can also view it in a text editor. Just open `.zattrs` in the .zarr root directory. 
    meta = dataset.attrs['multiscales']

    # You can accesss lower resolution levels of the resolution pyramid like this. Parse the 
    # metadata to find out their resolution. 
    level_1 = dataset['1']
    level_2 = dataset['2']

Reading the full resolution dataset

Same flow as for NGFF files described above.
