ITK  6.0.0
Insight Toolkit
itk::Versor< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for itk::Versor< T >, including all inherited members.

CovariantVectorType typedefitk::Versor< T >
Epsilon(double *)itk::Versor< T >inlineprivatestatic
Epsilon(float *)itk::Versor< T >inlineprivatestatic
Epsilon()itk::Versor< T >inlineprivatestatic
Exponential(ValueType exponent) constitk::Versor< T >
GetAngle() constitk::Versor< T >
GetAxis() constitk::Versor< T >
GetConjugate() constitk::Versor< T >
GetMatrix() constitk::Versor< T >
GetReciprocal() constitk::Versor< T >
GetRight() constitk::Versor< T >
GetScalar() constitk::Versor< T >
GetTensor() constitk::Versor< T >
GetVnlQuaternion() constitk::Versor< T >
GetW() constitk::Versor< T >inline
GetX() constitk::Versor< T >inline
GetY() constitk::Versor< T >inline
GetZ() constitk::Versor< T >inline
m_Witk::Versor< T >private
m_Xitk::Versor< T >private
m_Yitk::Versor< T >private
m_Zitk::Versor< T >private
MatrixType typedefitk::Versor< T >
Normalize()itk::Versor< T >
operator*(const Self &v) constitk::Versor< T >
operator*=(const Self &v)itk::Versor< T >
operator/(const Self &v) constitk::Versor< T >
operator/=(const Self &v)itk::Versor< T >
operator==(const Self &v) constitk::Versor< T >
PointType typedefitk::Versor< T >
RealType typedefitk::Versor< T >
Self typedefitk::Versor< T >
Set(const VnlQuaternionType &)itk::Versor< T >
Set(T x, T y, T z, T w)itk::Versor< T >
Set(const VectorType &axis, ValueType angle)itk::Versor< T >
Set(const MatrixType &mat)itk::Versor< T >
Set(const VectorType &axis)itk::Versor< T >
SetIdentity()itk::Versor< T >
SetRotationAroundX(ValueType angle)itk::Versor< T >
SetRotationAroundY(ValueType angle)itk::Versor< T >
SetRotationAroundZ(ValueType angle)itk::Versor< T >
SquareRoot() constitk::Versor< T >
Transform(const VectorType &v) constitk::Versor< T >
Transform(const CovariantVectorType &v) constitk::Versor< T >
Transform(const PointType &v) constitk::Versor< T >
Transform(const VnlVectorType &v) constitk::Versor< T >
ValueType typedefitk::Versor< T >
VectorType typedefitk::Versor< T >
VnlQuaternionType typedefitk::Versor< T >
VnlVectorType typedefitk::Versor< T >