28#ifndef itkBoundingBox_h
29#define itkBoundingBox_h
67 unsigned int VPointDimension = 3,
68 typename TCoordinate = float,
69 typename TPointsContainer = VectorContainer<TPointIdentifier, Point<TCoordinate, VPointDimension>>>
94 using CoordRepType ITK_FUTURE_DEPRECATED(
95 "ITK 6 discourages using `CoordRepType`. Please use `CoordinateType` instead!") =
105 static constexpr unsigned int PointDimension = VPointDimension;
125 std::array<PointType, NumberOfCorners>
133 ComputeBoundingBox()
205#if !defined(ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE)
215# include "itkBoundingBox.hxx"
Represent and compute information about bounding boxes.
ModifiedTimeType GetMTime() const override
TPointsContainer PointsContainer
itkLegacyMacro(const PointsContainer *GetCorners();) bool ComputeBoundingBox() const
void SetMaximum(const PointType &)
typename PointsContainer::Iterator PointsContainerIterator
void ConsiderPoint(const PointType &)
void SetPoints(const PointsContainer *)
AccumulateType GetDiagonalLength2() const
typename PointsContainer::Pointer PointsContainerPointer
void SetMinimum(const PointType &)
typename PointsContainer::ConstPointer PointsContainerConstPointer
typename NumericTraits< CoordinateType >::AccumulateType AccumulateType
bool IsInside(const PointType &) const
~BoundingBox() override=default
void PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
TPointIdentifier PointIdentifier
TCoordinate CoordinateType
typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator PointsContainerConstIterator
std::array< PointType, NumberOfCorners > ComputeCorners() const
PointType GetMaximum() const
PointType GetMinimum() const
typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator ConstIterator
const PointsContainer * GetPoints() const
PointType GetCenter() const
Simulate a standard C array with copy semantics.
Control indentation during Print() invocation.
Base class for most ITK classes.
A templated class holding a geometric point in n-Dimensional space.
Generate a unique, increasing time value.
SmartPointer< const Self > ConstPointer
SmartPointer< Self > Pointer
The "itk" namespace contains all Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) classes....
SizeValueType IdentifierType
SizeValueType ModifiedTimeType
unsigned long SizeValueType