18#ifndef itkDefaultDynamicMeshTraits_h
19#define itkDefaultDynamicMeshTraits_h
57template <
typename TPixelType,
58 unsigned int VPointDimension = 3,
59 unsigned int VMaxTopologicalDimension = VPointDimension,
60 typename TCoordinate = float,
61 typename TInterpolationWeight = float,
62 typename TCellPixelType = TPixelType>
74 using CoordRepType ITK_FUTURE_DEPRECATED(
75 "ITK 6 discourages using `CoordRepType`. Please use `CoordinateType` instead!") =
An abstract interface for cells.
SelfAutoPointer CellAutoPointer
A simple structure that holds type information for a mesh and its cells.
Point< CoordinateType, VPointDimension > PointType
std::set< CellIdentifier > UsingCellsContainer
typename CellType::CellAutoPointer CellAutoPointer
MapContainer< PointIdentifier, PointType > PointsContainer
TInterpolationWeight InterpolationWeightType
MapContainer< CellIdentifier, CellPixelType > CellDataContainer
IdentifierType PointIdentifier
MapContainer< PointIdentifier, PixelType > PointDataContainer
static constexpr unsigned int MaxTopologicalDimension
Point< CoordinateType, VPointDimension > PointHashType
IdentifierType CellIdentifier
MapContainer< PointIdentifier, PointCellLinksContainer > CellLinksContainer
DefaultDynamicMeshTraits Self
MapContainer< CellIdentifier, CellType * > CellsContainer
itkMakeCellTraitsMacro CellTraits
TCoordinate CoordinateType
static constexpr unsigned int PointDimension
std::set< CellIdentifier > PointCellLinksContainer
IdentifierType CellFeatureIdentifier
TCellPixelType CellPixelType
CellInterface< CellPixelType, CellTraits > CellType
A wrapper of the STL "map" container.
A templated class holding a geometric point in n-Dimensional space.
#define itkMakeCellTraitsMacro
The "itk" namespace contains all Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) classes....
SizeValueType IdentifierType