18#ifndef itkDiffusionTensor3D_h
19#define itkDiffusionTensor3D_h
22#ifdef DiffusionTensor3D
23# undef DiffusionTensor3D
78template <
typename TComponent>
107 template <
typename TCoordinateB>
123 template <
typename TCoordinateB>
178# include "itkDiffusionTensor3D.hxx"
Pixel-wise addition of two images.
Represent a diffusion tensor as used in DTI images.
AccumulateValueType GetTrace() const
DiffusionTensor3D(const Superclass &r)
DiffusionTensor3D(const ComponentType &r)
Self & operator=(const ComponentType &r)
Self & operator=(const ComponentArrayType r)
Self & operator=(const Superclass &r)
DiffusionTensor3D(const DiffusionTensor3D< TCoordinateB > &pa)
DiffusionTensor3D(const ComponentArrayType r)
Self & operator=(const DiffusionTensor3D< TCoordinateB > &pa)
RealValueType GetRelativeAnisotropy() const
RealValueType GetFractionalAnisotropy() const
RealValueType GetInnerScalarProduct() const
Simulate a standard C array with copy semantics.
A templated class holding a M x N size Matrix.
Represent a symmetric tensor of second rank.
typename NumericTraits< ValueType >::RealType RealValueType
Self & operator=(const SymmetricSecondRankTensor< TCoordinateB, VDimension > &pa)
ComponentType[Self::InternalDimension] ComponentArrayType
typename NumericTraits< ValueType >::RealType AccumulateValueType
The "itk" namespace contains all Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) classes....
void swap(Array< T > &a, Array< T > &b) noexcept