32#ifndef itkGE5ImageIO_h
33#define itkGE5ImageIO_h
34#include "ITKIOGEExport.h"
Class that defines how to read GE5 file format.
void ModifyImageInformation() override
GEImageHeader * ReadHeader(const char *FileNameToRead) override
int CheckGE5xImages(const char *const imageFileTemplate, std::string &reason)
bool CanReadFile(const char *FileNameToRead) override
Class that defines how to read GE4 file format.
Light weight base class for most itk classes.
Base class for most ITK classes.
This file was written as a modification to the itkMetaImageIO as a new method for reading in files fr...
The "itk" namespace contains all Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) classes....