18#ifndef itkQuadEdgeCellTraitsInfo_h
19#define itkQuadEdgeCellTraitsInfo_h
39template <
int VPointDimension,
40 typename TCoordinate = float,
41 typename TInterpolationWeight = float,
44 typename TCellFeatureIdentifier =
unsigned char,
47 typename TUsingCellsContainer = std::set<TPointIdentifier>,
49class QuadEdgeMeshCellTraitsInfo
52 static constexpr unsigned int PointDimension = VPointDimension;
53 using CoordinateType = TCoordinate;
55 using CoordRepType ITK_FUTURE_DEPRECATED(
56 "ITK 6 discourages using `CoordRepType`. Please use `CoordinateType` instead!") = CoordinateType;
58 using InterpolationWeightType = TInterpolationWeight;
59 using PointIdentifier = TPointIdentifier;
60 using CellIdentifier = TCellIdentifier;
61 using CellFeatureIdentifier = TCellFeatureIdentifier;
63 using PointsContainer = TPointsContainer;
64 using UsingCellsContainer = TUsingCellsContainer;
This class extends the QuadEdge by adding a reference to the Origin.
A wrapper of the STL "map" container.
Wrapper around a itk::Point in order to add a reference to an entry in the edge ring.
ImageBaseType::PointType PointType
The "itk" namespace contains all Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) classes....
SizeValueType IdentifierType