Class: Image

Representation of an N-dimensional scientific image.

URI: wasm:Image



  • is_a: InterfaceType - An interface type is a higher-level type that represents the structure of data that can be passed between WebAssembly modules and the host environment.



  • ➞imageType 1..1

    • Description: Type of the image.

    • Range: ImageType

  • ➞name 1..1

    • Description: Name of the image.

    • Range: String

  • ➞origin 1..*

    • Description: Location of the center of the first pixel in physical space. x, y, z, … order.

    • Range: Double

  • ➞spacing 1..*

    • Description: Size of a pixel in physical space. x, y, z, … order.

    • Range: Double

  • ➞direction 1..1

    • Description: Orientation of the pixel grid in physical space. Encoded as float64 binary data in column-major order of length NxN where N is the spatial dimension of the image. x, y, z, … order.

    • Range: BinaryData

  • ➞size 1..*

    • Description: Number of image pixels in each dimension. x, y, z, … order.

    • Range: Integer

  • ➞metadata 1..1

    • Description: Metadata for the image.

    • Range: String

  • ➞data 0..1

    • Description: Content of the image pixels. Encoded in column-major order, i.e. contiguous x. Multi-component pixels are interleaved.

    • Range: BinaryData

Other properties

