Class: MeshType¶
Representation of a mesh type. Here “Pixel” refers to the data attributes associated with the mesh.
URI: wasm:MeshType
Referenced by Class¶
dimension 1..1
Description: Number of spatial dimensions.
Range: Integer
pointComponentType 1..1
Description: Type of binary data components in a point. Typically float32.
Range: FloatTypes
Description: Type of binary data components associated with a point data attribute.
Range: String
pointPixelType 1..1
Description: Type of the point data attribute.
Range: PixelTypes
pointPixelComponents 1..1
Description: Number of components in a point data attribute.
Range: Integer
cellComponentType 1..1
Description: Type of binary data components used to represent a cell. Typically int32.
Range: IntTypes
Description: Type of binary data components associated with a cell data attribute.
Range: String
cellPixelType 1..1
Description: Type of the cell data attribute.
Range: PixelTypes
cellPixelComponents 1..1
Description: Number of components in a cell data attribute.
Range: Integer
Description: Type of binary data components associated with a cell data attribute.
Range: String
cellPixelType 1..1
Description: Type of the cell data attribute.
Range: PixelTypes
cellPixelComponents 1..1
Description: Number of components in a cell data attribute.
Range: Integer
Other properties¶
Mappings: |
wasm:MeshType |