

This page provides an introduction to the use of macros in C++.

Macros are typically used in one of the following four ways

  • As a replacement for symbols
  • As logical flags to do selective compilation
  • As on-the-fly code generation
  • As accelerators for function-like operations

Let’s go through them.

As Symbols

Macros can be used as a way of replacing symbols

#include <iostream>


int main()
  std::cout << "Number of Cows = " << NUMBEROFCOWS << std::endl;
  return 0;

The #define command is a pre-processor command and it is used to define the macro NUMBEROFCOWS by assigning to it the value 42.

In this context, the macro is a simple string replacement operation. It is done by the C++ preprocessor, just before the code is sent to the compiler. This is essentially equivalent to doing a search and replace operation with your text editor.

It is traditional to use UPPERCASE characters for naming a macro, but this is not a requirement. You should follow the coding style adopted by the project that you are working on. Developers get really angry when you break their coding style, and they can be very mean people when they are angry. Follow the coding style.

In modern C++ programming this usage of macros as symbols is discouraged. The reason is that the same goal can be achieved with the use of “const” variables, with the added advantage of type checking. The Macro being a simple text replacement does not provide that verification of type at compilation time. That is, in our example above NUMBEROFCOWS can equally be used as an integer, a float or a string.

The code below illustrates how to achieve the same result with the use of const typed variables.

#include <iostream>

const unsigned int NUMBEROFCOWS = 42;

int main()
  std::cout << "Number of Cows = " << NUMBEROFCOWS << std::endl;
  return 0;

The advantage in this case is that the NUMBEROFCOWS has been explicitly declared as a positive integer type. Therefore, we get the added convenience of the compiler helping us to ensure that the NUMBEROFCOWS is only used in accordance to the rules for managing positive integer numbers. This is very important, since we know that nobody likes negative Cows.

Video 1

You can see the video of this example at:

As Logical Flags

Macros can be used as logical flags to control conditional compilation of source code.

#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout << "Football is the most popular Sport = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Soccer is the most popular Sport = " << std::endl;

  return 0;

The definition of the YOU_ARE_IN_THE_US Macro symbol can be passed to the program in multiple ways.

It can be put in a header file that is then included in the program:

#include <iostream>
#include "macroDefinitions.h"

int main()
  std::cout << "Football is the most popular Sport = " << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Soccer is the most popular Sport = " << std::endl;

  return 0;

In which case the macroDefinitions.h file will contain something like




Another way to pass the macro definition to the code is to put it in the command line arguments that are given to the compiler as illustrated below

g++  macrosAsLogicalFlags.cpp  -DYOU_ARE_IN_THE_US  -o macrosAsLogicalFlags

This usage of macros is very hard to debug and typically it must be reserved for system configuration issues. For example, selecting between code that is written for 32-bits or 64-bits platforms.

The other drawback of this usage of macros is that the source code starts accumulating sections of code that are rarely compiled and rarely executed. Such dark corners of the code become shelter for bugs that will later multiply and take over the world !

Video 2

You can see the video of this example at:

It does not includes footage of the part where bugs take over the world...

As Code Generation

Macros can be used to generate code on the fly.

This is rather advanced use of macros and you probably should avoid it if you can.

It takes advantage of the fact that macros are expanded by the pre-processor and therefore allow you to modify the source code of your program before it gets to the compiler.

#include <iostream>

  for(int i=0; i<argc; i++) \
   { \
   std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl; \

int main( int argc, char * argv [] )

  return 0;

The C++ preprocessor will expand this code to become:

#include <iostream>

int main( int argc, char * argv [] )
  for(int i=0; i<argc; i++)
   std::cout << argv[i] << std::endl;

  return 0;

Notice the use of the “\” at the end of the lines in the macro definition. They are needed because in principle a Macro definition ends at the end of the line. Therefore, if we want to write multi-line macros, we need to “escape” the end of the line character.

This is a way of obtaining a bit of readability in the code, at the expense of producing code that is VERY VERY HARD to debug an maintain. Use this abundantly if you hate the team of developers that will maintain the code for the next ten years... be assured, they will hate you back... :-)

On the other hand, when used wisely, this can help maintain uniformity in the source code, and actually facilitate maintenance. This is a very sharp knife, reserve it for very special cases, but also beware that many projects tend to use this trick.

Video 3

You can see the video of this example at:

As Accelerated Functions

Since macros are expanded by the pre-processor before the code is passed to the compiler, it is possible to use them as a way of inserting some lines of code that otherwise should have been put in a function. This is usually called “inlining”. What is interesting about using inlining is the fact that the code will run faster at execution time because instead of having to invoke a function and pass arguments and returns values via the stack, the entire process actually happens as if the lines of code were inserted in place... indeed they are inserted in place.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

#define isDivisibleByThree( (x) )  \
  (int)((float)(x)/3.0) == ((float)(x)/3.0) ? 1 : 0;

int main( int argc, char * argv [] )
  if( argc < 2 )
    std::cerr << "Missing Argument" << std::endl;
    return 1;

  float inputNumber = atof( argv[1] );

  if( isDivisibleByThree( inputNumber ) )
    std::cout << "Is Divisible by 3" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Is Not Divisible by 3" << std::endl;

  return 0;

In this case the isDivisibleByThree() macro, takes more the look of a function. It is expanded by replacing the argument into the macro expression and putting it inline. This is particularly interesting for very simply operations, for which the overhead of pushing and poping values from the stack will be large compared to the actual computation performed by the function.

Note that in the definition of the macro we put parenthesis “()” around the arguments of the macro. This is done as a precaution against the confusion that may arise when the macro is called with an expression as an argument, for example:


will be expanded to

(int)((float)(3+1)/3.0) == ((float)(3+1)/3.0) ? 1 : 0;

while, if we have not used the parenthesis precaution, the code will be expanded to

(int)((float)3+1/3.0) == ((float)3+1/3.0) ? 1 : 0;

and the precedence of operations will not correspond to what we were expecting.

Video 4

You can see the video of this example at:

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