template<typename TCoordinate>
class itk::VoronoiDiagram2D< TCoordinate >
Implements the 2-Dimensional Voronoi Diagram.
Given a set of seed points, the Voronoi Diagram partitions the plane into regions, each region is a collection of all pixels that is closest to one particular seed point than to other seed points. VoronoiDiagram2D is a mesh structure for storing the Voronoi Diagram, can be Generated by itkVoronoiDiagram2DGenerator.
Template parameters for VoronoiDiagram2D:
TCoordinate = The type associated with the coordination of the seeds and the resulting vertices.
- ITK Sphinx Examples:
Definition at line 51 of file itkVoronoiDiagram2D.h.
using | BoundingBoxPointer = typename BoundingBoxType::Pointer |
using | BoundingBoxType = BoundingBox<PointIdentifier, Self::PointDimension, CoordinateType, PointsContainer> |
using | CellDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellDataContainer |
using | CellDataContainerIterator = typename CellDataContainer::ConstIterator |
using | CellDataContainerPointer = typename CellDataContainer::Pointer |
using | CellFeatureCount = CellFeatureIdentifier |
using | CellFeatureIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::CellFeatureIdentifier |
using | CellIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::CellIdentifier |
using | CellLinksContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellLinksContainer |
using | CellLinksContainerIterator = typename CellLinksContainer::ConstIterator |
using | CellLinksContainerPointer = typename CellLinksContainer::Pointer |
using | CellMultiVisitorType = typename CellType::MultiVisitor |
using | CellsContainer = typename MeshTraits::CellsContainer |
using | CellsContainerConstIterator = typename CellsContainer::ConstIterator |
using | CellsContainerIterator = typename CellsContainer::Iterator |
using | CellsContainerPointer = typename CellsContainer::Pointer |
using | CellTraits = typename MeshTraits::CellTraits |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self> |
using | CoordinateType = typename MeshTraits::CoordinateType |
using | Edge = LineCell<CellType> |
using | EdgeAutoPointer = typename Edge::SelfAutoPointer |
using | EdgeInfo = Point<int, 2> |
using | EdgeInfoDQ = std::deque<EdgeInfo> |
using | genericCellPointer = typename MeshTraits::CellAutoPointer |
using | InterpolationWeightType = typename MeshTraits::InterpolationWeightType |
using | INTvector = std::vector<int> |
using | MeshTraits = DefaultDynamicMeshTraits<TCoordinate, 2, 2, TCoordinate> |
using | NeighborIdIterator = typename INTvector::iterator |
using | PixelType = typename MeshTraits::PixelType |
using | PointCellLinksContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointCellLinksContainer |
using | PointCellLinksContainerIterator = typename PointCellLinksContainer::const_iterator |
using | PointDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointDataContainer |
using | PointDataContainerIterator = typename PointDataContainer::ConstIterator |
using | PointDataContainerPointer = typename PointDataContainer::Pointer |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer<Self> |
using | PointIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::PointIdentifier |
using | PointList = std::list<PointType> |
using | PointsContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointsContainer |
using | PointsContainerConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator |
using | PointsContainerIterator = typename PointsContainer::Iterator |
using | PointsContainerPointer = typename PointsContainer::Pointer |
using | PointType = typename MeshTraits::PointType |
using | PolygonCellType = PolygonCell<CellType> |
using | SeedsIterator = typename SeedsType::iterator |
using | SeedsType = std::vector<PointType> |
using | Self = VoronoiDiagram2D |
using | Superclass = Mesh<TCoordinate, 2, DefaultDynamicMeshTraits<TCoordinate, 2, 2, TCoordinate>> |
using | VertexIterator = PointsContainerIterator |
using | VoronoiEdgeIterator = typename std::vector<VoronoiEdge>::iterator |
using | BoundaryAssignmentsContainer |
using | BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer |
using | BoundaryAssignmentsContainerVector |
using | BoundingBoxPointer |
using | BoundingBoxType |
using | CellAutoPointer |
using | CellDataContainer |
using | CellDataContainerConstPointer |
using | CellDataContainerIterator |
using | CellDataContainerPointer |
using | CellFeatureCount |
using | CellFeatureIdentifier |
using | CellIdentifier |
using | CellLinksContainer |
using | CellLinksContainerConstPointer |
using | CellLinksContainerIterator |
using | CellLinksContainerPointer |
using | CellMultiVisitorType |
using | CellPixelType |
using | CellsContainer |
using | CellsContainerConstIterator |
using | CellsContainerConstPointer |
using | CellsContainerIterator |
using | CellsContainerPointer |
using | CellsVectorContainer |
using | CellsVectorContainerPointer |
using | CellTraits |
using | CellType |
using | ConstPointer |
using | CoordinateType |
using | InterpolationWeightType |
using | MeshClassCellsAllocationMethodEnum |
using | MeshTraits |
using | OutputHexahedronCellType |
using | OutputLineCellType |
using | OutputPolygonCellType |
using | OutputPolyLineCellType |
using | OutputQuadraticEdgeCellType |
using | OutputQuadraticTriangleCellType |
using | OutputQuadrilateralCellType |
using | OutputTetrahedronCellType |
using | OutputTriangleCellType |
using | OutputVertexCellType |
using | PixelType |
using | PointCellLinksContainer |
using | PointCellLinksContainerIterator |
using | PointDataContainer |
using | PointDataContainerIterator |
using | PointDataContainerPointer |
using | Pointer |
using | PointHashType |
using | PointIdentifier |
using | PointsContainer |
using | PointsContainerConstIterator |
using | PointsContainerIterator |
using | PointsContainerPointer |
using | PointType |
using | Self |
using | Superclass |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self> |
using | MeshTraits = TMeshTraits |
using | PixelType = typename MeshTraits::PixelType |
using | PointDataContainer = typename MeshTraits::PointDataContainer |
using | PointDataContainerConstPointer = typename PointDataContainer::ConstPointer |
using | PointDataContainerIterator = typename PointDataContainer::ConstIterator |
using | PointDataContainerPointer = typename PointDataContainer::Pointer |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer<Self> |
using | PointIdentifier = typename MeshTraits::PointIdentifier |
using | PointType = typename MeshTraits::PointType |
using | Self = PointSet |
using | Superclass = PointSetBase<typename TMeshTraits::PointsContainer> |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self> |
using | CoordinateType = typename PointType::CoordinateType |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer<Self> |
using | PointIdentifier = typename TPointsContainer::ElementIdentifier |
using | PointsContainer = TPointsContainer |
using | PointsContainerConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator |
using | PointsContainerConstPointer = typename PointsContainer::ConstPointer |
using | PointsContainerIterator = typename PointsContainer::Iterator |
using | PointsContainerPointer = typename PointsContainer::Pointer |
using | PointsVectorContainer = typename itk::VectorContainer<PointIdentifier, CoordinateType> |
using | PointsVectorContainerPointer = typename PointsVectorContainer::Pointer |
using | PointType = typename TPointsContainer::Element |
using | RegionType = long |
using | Self = PointSetBase |
using | Superclass = DataObject |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self> |
using | DataObjectIdentifierType = std::string |
using | DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = std::vector<Pointer>::size_type |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer<Self> |
using | Self = DataObject |
using | Superclass = Object |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self> |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer<Self> |
using | Self = Object |
using | Superclass = LightObject |
using | ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self> |
using | Pointer = SmartPointer<Self> |
using | Self = LightObject |
void | AddCellNeighbor (EdgeInfo x) |
void | AddEdge (VoronoiEdge x) |
void | AddLine (EdgeInfo x) |
void | AddVert (PointType x) |
void | BuildEdge (int id) |
void | ClearRegion (int i) |
virtual::itk::LightObject::Pointer | CreateAnother () const |
VoronoiEdgeIterator | EdgeBegin () |
VoronoiEdgeIterator | EdgeEnd () |
void | EdgeListClear () |
int | EdgeListSize () |
void | GetCellId (CellIdentifier cellId, CellAutoPointer &) |
VoronoiEdge | GetEdge (int id) |
EdgeInfo | GetEdgeEnd (int id) |
int | GetEdgeLineID (int id) |
EdgeInfo | GetLine (int id) |
const char * | GetNameOfClass () const override |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumberOfSeeds () const |
void | GetPoint (int pId, PointType *answer) |
PointType | GetSeed (int SeedID) |
EdgeInfo | GetSeedsIDAroundEdge (VoronoiEdge *task) |
PointType | GetVertex (int id) |
void | InsertCells () |
void | LineListClear () |
int | LineListSize () |
NeighborIdIterator | NeighborIdsBegin (int seeds) |
NeighborIdIterator | NeighborIdsEnd (int seeds) |
void | Reset () |
void | SetBoundary (PointType vorsize) |
void | SetOrigin (PointType vorsize) |
void | SetSeeds (int num, SeedsIterator begin) |
VertexIterator | VertexBegin () |
VertexIterator | VertexEnd () |
void | VertexListClear () |
int | VertexListSize () |
void | VoronoiRegionAddPointId (int id, int x) |
virtual void | Accept (CellMultiVisitorType *mv) const |
virtual void | Accept (CellMultiVisitorType *mv) const |
void | BuildCellLinks () const |
void | BuildCellLinks () const |
void | CopyInformation (const DataObject *data) override |
void | CopyInformation (const DataObject *data) override |
void | DeleteUnusedCellData () |
void | DeleteUnusedCellData () |
bool | GetAssignedCellBoundaryIfOneExists (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const |
bool | GetAssignedCellBoundaryIfOneExists (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const |
bool | GetBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, CellIdentifier *boundaryId) const |
bool | GetBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, CellIdentifier *boundaryId) const |
BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer | GetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension) |
BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer | GetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension) |
const BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer | GetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension) const |
const BoundaryAssignmentsContainerPointer | GetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension) const |
const BoundingBoxType * | GetBoundingBox () const |
const BoundingBoxType * | GetBoundingBox () const |
bool | GetCell (CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const |
bool | GetCell (CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const |
bool | GetCellBoundaryFeature (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const |
bool | GetCellBoundaryFeature (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) const |
CellIdentifier | GetCellBoundaryFeatureNeighbors (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, std::set< CellIdentifier > *cellSet) |
CellIdentifier | GetCellBoundaryFeatureNeighbors (int dimension, CellIdentifier, CellFeatureIdentifier, std::set< CellIdentifier > *cellSet) |
CellDataContainer * | GetCellData () |
CellDataContainer * | GetCellData () |
const CellDataContainer * | GetCellData () const |
const CellDataContainer * | GetCellData () const |
bool | GetCellData (CellIdentifier, CellPixelType *) const |
bool | GetCellData (CellIdentifier, CellPixelType *) const |
CellLinksContainer * | GetCellLinks () |
CellLinksContainer * | GetCellLinks () |
const CellLinksContainer * | GetCellLinks () const |
const CellLinksContainer * | GetCellLinks () const |
CellIdentifier | GetCellNeighbors (CellIdentifier cellId, std::set< CellIdentifier > *cellSet) |
CellIdentifier | GetCellNeighbors (CellIdentifier cellId, std::set< CellIdentifier > *cellSet) |
CellsContainer * | GetCells () |
CellsContainer * | GetCells () |
const CellsContainer * | GetCells () const |
const CellsContainer * | GetCells () const |
virtual CellsVectorContainer * | GetCellsArray () |
virtual CellsVectorContainer * | GetCellsArray () |
CellFeatureCount | GetNumberOfCellBoundaryFeatures (int dimension, CellIdentifier) const |
CellFeatureCount | GetNumberOfCellBoundaryFeatures (int dimension, CellIdentifier) const |
CellIdentifier | GetNumberOfCells () const |
CellIdentifier | GetNumberOfCells () const |
void | Graft (const DataObject *data) override |
void | Graft (const DataObject *data) override |
void | Initialize () override |
void | Initialize () override |
void | PassStructure (Self *inputMesh) |
void | PassStructure (Self *inputMesh) |
bool | RemoveBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId) |
bool | RemoveBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId) |
void | SetBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, CellIdentifier boundaryId) |
void | SetBoundaryAssignment (int dimension, CellIdentifier cellId, CellFeatureIdentifier featureId, CellIdentifier boundaryId) |
void | SetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension, BoundaryAssignmentsContainer *) |
void | SetBoundaryAssignments (int dimension, BoundaryAssignmentsContainer *) |
void | SetCell (CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) |
void | SetCell (CellIdentifier, CellAutoPointer &) |
void | SetCellData (CellDataContainer *) |
void | SetCellData (CellDataContainer *) |
void | SetCellData (CellIdentifier, CellPixelType) |
void | SetCellData (CellIdentifier, CellPixelType) |
void | SetCellLinks (CellLinksContainer *) |
void | SetCellLinks (CellLinksContainer *) |
void | SetCells (CellsContainer *) |
void | SetCells (CellsContainer *) |
virtual void | SetCellsArray (CellsVectorContainer *) |
virtual void | SetCellsArray (CellsVectorContainer *) |
virtual void | SetCellsArray (CellsVectorContainer *, int cellType) |
virtual void | SetCellsArray (CellsVectorContainer *, int cellType) |
virtual void | SetCellsAllocationMethod (MeshClassCellsAllocationMethodEnum _arg) |
virtual const MeshClassCellsAllocationMethodEnum & | GetCellsAllocationMethod () const |
virtual void | SetCellsAllocationMethod (MeshClassCellsAllocationMethodEnum _arg) |
virtual const MeshClassCellsAllocationMethodEnum & | GetCellsAllocationMethod () const |
PointDataContainer * | GetPointData () |
const PointDataContainer * | GetPointData () const |
bool | GetPointData (PointIdentifier, PixelType *) const |
void | Graft (const DataObject *data) override |
void | Initialize () override |
void | SetPointData (PointDataContainer *) |
void | SetPointData (PointIdentifier, PixelType) |
void | CopyInformation (const DataObject *data) override |
virtual RegionType | GetBufferedRegion () const |
virtual RegionType | GetMaximumNumberOfRegions () const |
PointIdentifier | GetNumberOfPoints () const |
PointType | GetPoint (PointIdentifier) const |
bool | GetPoint (PointIdentifier, PointType *) const |
PointsContainer * | GetPoints () |
const PointsContainer * | GetPoints () const |
virtual RegionType | GetRequestedRegion () const |
void | Initialize () override |
| itkCloneMacro (Self) |
void | PassStructure (Self *inputPointSet) |
bool | RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion () override |
virtual void | SetBufferedRegion (const RegionType ®ion) |
void | SetPoint (PointIdentifier, PointType) |
void | SetPoints (PointsContainer *) |
void | SetPoints (PointsVectorContainer *) |
void | SetPointsByCoordinates (const std::vector< CoordinateType > &coordinates) |
void | SetRequestedRegion (const DataObject *data) override |
virtual void | SetRequestedRegion (const RegionType ®ion) |
void | SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion () override |
void | UpdateOutputInformation () override |
bool | VerifyRequestedRegion () override |
virtual void | DataHasBeenGenerated () |
void | DisconnectPipeline () |
bool | GetDataReleased () const |
virtual const bool & | GetReleaseDataFlag () const |
SmartPointer< ProcessObject > | GetSource () const |
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType | GetSourceOutputIndex () const |
const DataObjectIdentifierType & | GetSourceOutputName () const |
virtual ModifiedTimeType | GetUpdateMTime () const |
virtual void | PrepareForNewData () |
virtual void | PropagateRequestedRegion () |
void | ReleaseData () |
virtual void | ReleaseDataFlagOff () |
virtual void | ReleaseDataFlagOn () |
virtual void | ResetPipeline () |
void | SetReleaseDataFlag (bool flag) |
bool | ShouldIReleaseData () const |
virtual void | Update () |
virtual void | UpdateOutputData () |
void | UpdateSource () const |
void | SetPipelineMTime (ModifiedTimeType time) |
virtual const ModifiedTimeType & | GetPipelineMTime () const |
virtual void | SetRealTimeStamp (RealTimeStamp _arg) |
virtual const RealTimeStamp & | GetRealTimeStamp () const |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *cmd) const |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const EventObject &event, std::function< void(const EventObject &)> function) const |
virtual void | DebugOff () const |
virtual void | DebugOn () const |
Command * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
bool | GetDebug () const |
MetaDataDictionary & | GetMetaDataDictionary () |
const MetaDataDictionary & | GetMetaDataDictionary () const |
virtual ModifiedTimeType | GetMTime () const |
virtual const TimeStamp & | GetTimeStamp () const |
bool | HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const |
void | InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) |
void | InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const |
virtual void | Modified () const |
void | Register () const override |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) const |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) override |
void | UnRegister () const noexcept override |
void | SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs) |
void | SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs) |
virtual void | SetObjectName (std::string _arg) |
virtual const std::string & | GetObjectName () const |
Pointer | Clone () const |
virtual void | Delete () |
virtual int | GetReferenceCount () const |
void | Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const |