#include <list>
#include "itkSharedMorphologyUtilities.h"
#include "itkVanHerkGilWermanUtilities.hxx"
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template<typename TImage, typename TBres, typename TFunction, typename TLine> |
void | itk::DoFace (typename TImage::ConstPointer input, typename TImage::Pointer output, typename TImage::PixelType border, TLine line, const typename TBres::OffsetArray LineOffsets, const unsigned int KernLen, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &pixbuffer, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &fExtBuffer, std::vector< typename TImage::PixelType > &rExtBuffer, const typename TImage::RegionType AllImage, const typename TImage::RegionType face) |
template<typename PixelType, typename TFunction> |
void | itk::FillForwardExt (std::vector< PixelType > &pixbuffer, std::vector< PixelType > &fExtBuffer, const unsigned int KernLen, unsigned int len) |
template<typename PixelType, typename TFunction> |
void | itk::FillReverseExt (std::vector< PixelType > &pixbuffer, std::vector< PixelType > &rExtBuffer, const unsigned int KernLen, unsigned int len) |