ITK  6.0.0
Insight Toolkit
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Private Attributes | List of all members
itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage > Class Template Referenceabstract

#include <itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename TFixedImage, typename TMovingImage>
class itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >

Computes similarity between two objects to be registered.

This class is templated over the type of the fixed and moving images to be compared.

The metric computes the similarity measure between pixels in the moving image and pixels in the fixed image using a histogram.

Definition at line 39 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >:

Public Types

using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using FixedImageConstPointerType = typename Superclass::FixedImageConstPointer
using FixedImagePixelType = typename Superclass::FixedImageType::PixelType
using HistogramPointer = typename HistogramType::Pointer
using HistogramSizeType = typename HistogramType::SizeType
using HistogramType = Statistics::Histogram< double >
using MeasurementVectorType = typename HistogramType::MeasurementVectorType
using MovingImageConstPointerType = typename Superclass::MovingImageConstPointer
using MovingImagePixelType = typename Superclass::MovingImageType::PixelType
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using ScalesType = Array< double >
using Self = HistogramImageToImageMetric
using Superclass = ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
- Public Types inherited from itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using CoordinateRepresentationType = typename Superclass::ParametersValueType
using FixedImageConstPointer = typename FixedImageType::ConstPointer
using FixedImageIndexContainer = std::vector< FixedImageIndexType >
using FixedImageIndexType = typename FixedImageType::IndexType
using FixedImageIndexValueType = typename FixedImageIndexType::IndexValueType
using FixedImageMaskConstPointer = typename FixedImageMaskType::ConstPointer
using FixedImageMaskPointer = typename FixedImageMaskType::Pointer
using FixedImageMaskType = SpatialObject< Self::FixedImageDimension >
using FixedImagePixelType = typename TFixedImage::PixelType
using FixedImagePointType = typename TransformType::InputPointType
using FixedImageRegionType = typename FixedImageType::RegionType
using FixedImageType = TFixedImage
using GradientImageFilterPointer = typename GradientImageFilterType::Pointer
using GradientImageFilterType = GradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter< MovingImageType, GradientImageType >
using GradientImagePointer = SmartPointer< GradientImageType >
using GradientImageType = Image< GradientPixelType, Self::MovingImageDimension >
using GradientPixelType = CovariantVector< RealType, Self::MovingImageDimension >
using InputPointType = typename TransformType::InputPointType
using InterpolatorPointer = typename InterpolatorType::Pointer
using InterpolatorType = InterpolateImageFunction< MovingImageType, CoordinateRepresentationType >
using MovingImageConstPointer = typename MovingImageType::ConstPointer
using MovingImageIndexType = typename MovingImageType::IndexType
using MovingImageMaskConstPointer = typename MovingImageMaskType::ConstPointer
using MovingImageMaskPointer = typename MovingImageMaskType::Pointer
using MovingImageMaskType = SpatialObject< Self::MovingImageDimension >
using MovingImagePixelType = typename TMovingImage::PixelType
using MovingImagePointType = typename TransformType::OutputPointType
using MovingImageType = TMovingImage
using MultiThreaderType = MultiThreaderBase
using OutputPointType = typename TransformType::OutputPointType
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using RealType = typename NumericTraits< MovingImagePixelType >::RealType
using Self = ImageToImageMetric
using Superclass = SingleValuedCostFunction
using TransformJacobianType = typename TransformType::JacobianType
using TransformParametersType = typename TransformType::ParametersType
using TransformPointer = typename TransformType::Pointer
using TransformType = Transform< CoordinateRepresentationType, Self::MovingImageDimension, Self::FixedImageDimension >
- Public Types inherited from itk::SingleValuedCostFunction
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using DerivativeType = Array< ParametersValueType >
using MeasureType = double
using ParametersType = Superclass::ParametersType
using ParametersValueType = Superclass::ParametersValueType
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = SingleValuedCostFunction
using Superclass = CostFunction
- Public Types inherited from itk::CostFunctionTemplate< double >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using ParametersType = OptimizerParameters< double >
using ParametersValueType = double
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = CostFunctionTemplate
using Superclass = Object
- Public Types inherited from itk::Object
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = Object
using Superclass = LightObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::LightObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = LightObject

Public Member Functions

void GetDerivative (const TransformParametersType &parameters, DerivativeType &derivative) const override
virtual double GetDerivativeStepLength () const
virtual const ScalesTypeGetDerivativeStepLengthScales () const
virtual const HistogramPointerGetHistogram () const
virtual const HistogramSizeTypeGetHistogramSize () const
const MeasurementVectorTypeGetLowerBound () const
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual const FixedImagePixelTypeGetPaddingValue () const
const MeasurementVectorTypeGetUpperBound () const
MeasureType GetValue (const TransformParametersType &parameters) const override
void GetValueAndDerivative (const TransformParametersType &parameters, MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const override
void Initialize () override
virtual void SetDerivativeStepLength (double _arg)
virtual void SetDerivativeStepLengthScales (ScalesType _arg)
virtual void SetHistogramSize (HistogramSizeType _arg)
void SetLowerBound (const MeasurementVectorType &bounds)
virtual void SetPaddingValue (FixedImagePixelType _arg)
void SetTransform (TransformType *transform) override
void SetUpperBound (const MeasurementVectorType &bounds)
virtual void SetUpperBoundIncreaseFactor (double _arg)
virtual double GetUpperBoundIncreaseFactor () const
virtual void SetUsePaddingValue (bool _arg)
virtual bool GetUsePaddingValue () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
virtual void ComputeGradient ()
virtual const FixedImageRegionTypeGetFixedImageRegion () const
virtual const FixedImagePixelTypeGetFixedImageSamplesIntensityThreshold () const
virtual GradientImageTypeGetModifiableGradientImage ()
virtual InterpolatorTypeGetModifiableInterpolator ()
virtual TransformTypeGetModifiableTransform ()
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
SizeValueType GetNumberOfMovingImageSamples ()
unsigned int GetNumberOfParameters () const override
virtual const SizeValueTypeGetNumberOfPixelsCounted () const
SizeValueType GetNumberOfSpatialSamples ()
virtual const bool & GetUseAllPixels () const
virtual const bool & GetUseFixedImageIndexes () const
virtual const bool & GetUseFixedImageSamplesIntensityThreshold () const
virtual const bool & GetUseSequentialSampling () const
virtual void Initialize ()
virtual void MultiThreadingInitialize ()
void SetFixedImageIndexes (const FixedImageIndexContainer &indexes)
virtual void SetFixedImageRegion (const FixedImageRegionType reg)
void SetFixedImageSamplesIntensityThreshold (const FixedImagePixelType &thresh)
virtual void SetInterpolator (InterpolatorType *_arg)
void SetNumberOfSpatialSamples (SizeValueType num)
virtual void SetTransform (TransformType *_arg)
void SetTransformParameters (const ParametersType &parameters) const
void SetUseAllPixels (bool useAllPixels)
void SetUseFixedImageIndexes (bool useIndexes)
void SetUseFixedImageSamplesIntensityThreshold (bool useThresh)
void SetUseSequentialSampling (bool useSequential)
void UseAllPixelsOff ()
void UseAllPixelsOn ()
virtual void SetFixedImage (const FixedImageType *_arg)
virtual const FixedImageTypeGetFixedImage () const
virtual void SetMovingImage (const MovingImageType *_arg)
virtual const MovingImageTypeGetMovingImage () const
virtual void SetMovingImageMask (const MovingImageMaskType *_arg)
virtual const MovingImageMaskTypeGetMovingImageMask () const
virtual void SetFixedImageMask (const FixedImageMaskType *_arg)
virtual const FixedImageMaskTypeGetFixedImageMask () const
void SetNumberOfWorkUnits (ThreadIdType numberOfWorkUnits)
virtual const ThreadIdTypeGetNumberOfWorkUnits () const
virtual void SetComputeGradient (bool _arg)
virtual const bool & GetComputeGradient () const
virtual void ComputeGradientOn ()
virtual void SetNumberOfFixedImageSamples (SizeValueType numSamples)
virtual const SizeValueTypeGetNumberOfFixedImageSamples () const
void ReinitializeSeed ()
void ReinitializeSeed (int seed)
virtual void SetUseCachingOfBSplineWeights (bool _arg)
virtual const bool & GetUseCachingOfBSplineWeights () const
virtual void UseCachingOfBSplineWeightsOn ()
virtual MultiThreaderTypeGetModifiableThreader ()
const TransformPointerGetThreaderTransform ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::SingleValuedCostFunction
virtual void GetDerivative (const ParametersType &parameters, DerivativeType &derivative) const =0
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual MeasureType GetValue (const ParametersType &parameters) const =0
virtual void GetValueAndDerivative (const ParametersType &parameters, MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::CostFunctionTemplate< double >
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfParameters () const=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *cmd) const
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, std::function< void(const EventObject &)> function) const
LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const override
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDebug () const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary ()
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary () const
virtual ModifiedTimeType GetMTime () const
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual const TimeStampGetTimeStamp () const
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
virtual void Modified () const
void Register () const override
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) const
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
void SetReferenceCount (int) override
void UnRegister () const noexcept override
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs)
virtual void SetObjectName (std::string _arg)
virtual const std::string & GetObjectName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
Pointer Clone () const
virtual Pointer CreateAnother () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const
virtual void Register () const
virtual void SetReferenceCount (int)
virtual void UnRegister () const noexcept

Protected Member Functions

void ComputeHistogram (const TransformParametersType &parameters, HistogramType &histogram) const
void ComputeHistogram (const TransformParametersType &parameters, unsigned int parameter, double step, HistogramType &histogram) const
void CopyHistogram (HistogramType &target, HistogramType &source) const
virtual MeasureType EvaluateMeasure (HistogramType &histogram) const =0
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 HistogramImageToImageMetric ()
 ~HistogramImageToImageMetric () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
virtual void ComputeImageDerivatives (const MovingImagePointType &mappedPoint, ImageDerivativesType &gradient, ThreadIdType threadId) const
void GetValueAndDerivativeMultiThreadedInitiate () const
void GetValueAndDerivativeMultiThreadedPostProcessInitiate () const
virtual void GetValueAndDerivativeThread (ThreadIdType threadId) const
virtual void GetValueAndDerivativeThreadPostProcess (ThreadIdType, bool) const
virtual void GetValueAndDerivativeThreadPreProcess (ThreadIdType, bool) const
virtual bool GetValueAndDerivativeThreadProcessSample (ThreadIdType, SizeValueType, const MovingImagePointType &, double, const ImageDerivativesType &) const
 ImageToImageMetric ()
virtual void PreComputeTransformValues ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
virtual void SampleFixedImageIndexes (FixedImageSampleContainer &samples) const
virtual void SampleFixedImageRegion (FixedImageSampleContainer &samples) const
virtual void SampleFullFixedImageRegion (FixedImageSampleContainer &samples) const
virtual void SynchronizeTransforms () const
virtual void TransformPoint (unsigned int sampleNumber, MovingImagePointType &mappedPoint, bool &sampleOk, double &movingImageValue, ThreadIdType threadId) const
virtual void TransformPointWithDerivatives (unsigned int sampleNumber, MovingImagePointType &mappedPoint, bool &sampleOk, double &movingImageValue, ImageDerivativesType &movingImageGradient, ThreadIdType threadId) const
 ~ImageToImageMetric () override=default
void GetValueMultiThreadedInitiate () const
void GetValueMultiThreadedPostProcessInitiate () const
virtual void GetValueThread (ThreadIdType threadId) const
virtual void GetValueThreadPreProcess (ThreadIdType, bool) const
virtual bool GetValueThreadProcessSample (ThreadIdType, SizeValueType, const MovingImagePointType &, double) const
virtual void GetValueThreadPostProcess (ThreadIdType, bool) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::SingleValuedCostFunction
 SingleValuedCostFunction ()=default
 ~SingleValuedCostFunction () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::CostFunctionTemplate< double >
 CostFunctionTemplate ()=default
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ~CostFunctionTemplate () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
 Object ()
bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
virtual void SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp)
 ~Object () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
virtual LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const
 LightObject ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual ~LightObject ()

Protected Attributes

HistogramSizeType m_HistogramSize {}
MeasurementVectorType m_LowerBound {}
bool m_LowerBoundSetByUser {}
MeasurementVectorType m_UpperBound {}
double m_UpperBoundIncreaseFactor {}
bool m_UpperBoundSetByUser {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
BSplineInterpolatorType::Pointer m_BSplineInterpolator {}
BSplineParametersOffsetType m_BSplineParametersOffset {}
MovingImagePointArrayType m_BSplinePreTransformPointsArray {}
BSplineTransformType::Pointer m_BSplineTransform {}
BSplineTransformIndexArrayType m_BSplineTransformIndices {}
BSplineTransformIndicesArrayType m_BSplineTransformIndicesArray {}
BSplineTransformWeightsType m_BSplineTransformWeights {}
BSplineTransformWeightsArrayType m_BSplineTransformWeightsArray {}
bool m_ComputeGradient { true }
DerivativeFunctionType::Pointer m_DerivativeCalculator {}
FixedImageConstPointer m_FixedImage {}
FixedImageIndexContainer m_FixedImageIndexes {}
FixedImageMaskConstPointer m_FixedImageMask {}
FixedImageSampleContainer m_FixedImageSamples {}
FixedImagePixelType m_FixedImageSamplesIntensityThreshold {}
GradientImagePointer m_GradientImage {}
InterpolatorPointer m_Interpolator {}
MovingImageConstPointer m_MovingImage {}
MovingImageMaskConstPointer m_MovingImageMask {}
SizeValueType m_NumberOfFixedImageSamples { 50000 }
SizeValueType m_NumberOfParameters { 0 }
SizeValueType m_NumberOfPixelsCounted { 0 }
ThreadIdType m_NumberOfWorkUnits { 1 }
SizeValueType m_NumBSplineWeights { 0 }
int m_RandomSeed {}
bool m_ReseedIterator { false }
std::unique_ptr< BSplineTransformIndexArrayType[]> m_ThreaderBSplineTransformIndices
std::unique_ptr< BSplineTransformWeightsType[]> m_ThreaderBSplineTransformWeights
std::unique_ptr< TransformPointer[]> m_ThreaderTransform
TransformPointer m_Transform {}
bool m_UseAllPixels { false }
bool m_UseCachingOfBSplineWeights { true }
bool m_UseFixedImageIndexes { false }
bool m_UseFixedImageSamplesIntensityThreshold { false }
bool m_UseSequentialSampling { false }
BooleanArrayType m_WithinBSplineSupportRegionArray {}
MultiThreaderType::Pointer m_Threader {}
std::unique_ptr< ConstantPointerWrapperm_ConstSelfWrapper
std::unique_ptr< unsigned int[]> m_ThreaderNumberOfMovingImageSamples
bool m_WithinThreadPreProcess { false }
bool m_WithinThreadPostProcess { false }
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::LightObject
std::atomic< int > m_ReferenceCount {}

Private Attributes

double m_DerivativeStepLength {}
ScalesType m_DerivativeStepLengthScales {}
HistogramPointer m_Histogram {}
FixedImagePixelType m_PaddingValue {}
bool m_UsePaddingValue {}

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static Pointer New ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool val)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
static void BreakOnError ()
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
static constexpr unsigned int FixedImageDimension = TFixedImage::ImageDimension
static constexpr unsigned int MovingImageDimension = TMovingImage::ImageDimension
- Protected Types inherited from itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
using BooleanArrayType = std::vector< bool >
using BSplineInterpolatorType = BSplineInterpolateImageFunction< MovingImageType, CoordinateRepresentationType >
using BSplineParametersOffsetType = FixedArray< SizeValueType, FixedImageType::ImageDimension >
using BSplineTransformIndexArrayType = typename BSplineTransformType::ParameterIndexArrayType
using BSplineTransformIndicesArrayType = Array2D< IndexValueType >
using BSplineTransformType = BSplineBaseTransform< CoordinateRepresentationType, FixedImageType::ImageDimension, Self::DeformationSplineOrder >
using BSplineTransformWeightsArrayType = Array2D< WeightsValueType >
using BSplineTransformWeightsType = typename BSplineTransformType::WeightsType
using DerivativeFunctionType = CentralDifferenceImageFunction< MovingImageType, CoordinateRepresentationType >
using FixedImageSampleContainer = std::vector< FixedImageSamplePoint >
using ImageDerivativesType = CovariantVector< double, Self::MovingImageDimension >
using IndexValueType = typename BSplineTransformIndexArrayType::ValueType
using MovingImagePointArrayType = std::vector< MovingImagePointType >
using WeightsValueType = typename BSplineTransformWeightsType::ValueType
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_FUNCTION_CALL_CONVENTION GetValueAndDerivativeMultiThreaded (void *workunitInfoAsVoid)
static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_FUNCTION_CALL_CONVENTION GetValueAndDerivativeMultiThreadedPostProcess (void *workunitInfoAsVoid)
static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_FUNCTION_CALL_CONVENTION GetValueMultiThreaded (void *workunitInfoAsVoid)
static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_FUNCTION_CALL_CONVENTION GetValueMultiThreadedPostProcess (void *workunitInfoAsVoid)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
static constexpr unsigned int DeformationSplineOrder = 3

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPointer

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>

Definition at line 48 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ FixedImageConstPointerType

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::FixedImageConstPointerType = typename Superclass::FixedImageConstPointer

Definition at line 68 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ FixedImagePixelType

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::FixedImagePixelType = typename Superclass::FixedImageType::PixelType

Definition at line 65 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ HistogramPointer

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::HistogramPointer = typename HistogramType::Pointer

Definition at line 78 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ HistogramSizeType

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::HistogramSizeType = typename HistogramType::SizeType

Definition at line 77 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ HistogramType

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::HistogramType = Statistics::Histogram<double>

Typedefs for histogram. This should have been defined as Histogram<RealType,2> but a bug in VC++7 produced an internal compiler error with such declaration.

Definition at line 74 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ MeasurementVectorType

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::MeasurementVectorType = typename HistogramType::MeasurementVectorType

Definition at line 76 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ MovingImageConstPointerType

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::MovingImageConstPointerType = typename Superclass::MovingImageConstPointer

Definition at line 69 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ MovingImagePixelType

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::MovingImagePixelType = typename Superclass::MovingImageType::PixelType

Definition at line 67 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ Pointer

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>

Definition at line 47 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ ScalesType

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::ScalesType = Array<double>

The scales type.

Definition at line 127 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ Self

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::Self = HistogramImageToImageMetric

Standard class type aliases.

Definition at line 45 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ Superclass

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
using itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::Superclass = ImageToImageMetric<TFixedImage, TMovingImage>

Definition at line 46 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HistogramImageToImageMetric()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::HistogramImageToImageMetric ( )

Constructor is protected to ensure that New() function is used to create instances.

◆ ~HistogramImageToImageMetric()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::~HistogramImageToImageMetric ( )

Constructor is protected to ensure that New() function is used to create instances.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ComputeHistogram() [1/2]

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::ComputeHistogram ( const TransformParametersType parameters,
HistogramType histogram 
) const

Computes the joint histogram from the transformation parameters passed to the function.

◆ ComputeHistogram() [2/2]

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::ComputeHistogram ( const TransformParametersType parameters,
unsigned int  parameter,
double  step,
HistogramType histogram 
) const

Computes the joint histogram from the transformation parameters passed to the function.

◆ CopyHistogram()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::CopyHistogram ( HistogramType target,
HistogramType source 
) const

Copies a histogram.

◆ EvaluateMeasure()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual MeasureType itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::EvaluateMeasure ( HistogramType histogram) const
protectedpure virtual

◆ GetDerivative()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetDerivative ( const TransformParametersType parameters,
DerivativeType derivative 
) const

Get the derivatives of the match measure.

◆ GetDerivativeStepLength()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual double itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetDerivativeStepLength ( ) const

Returns the step length used to calculate the derivative.

◆ GetDerivativeStepLengthScales()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual const ScalesType & itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetDerivativeStepLengthScales ( ) const

Returns the derivate step length scales.

◆ GetHistogram()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual const HistogramPointer & itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetHistogram ( ) const

Return the joint histogram. This is updated during every call to the GetValue() method. The histogram can for instance be used by itk::HistogramToImageFilter to plot the joint histogram.

◆ GetHistogramSize()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual const HistogramSizeType & itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetHistogramSize ( ) const

Gets the histogram size.

◆ GetLowerBound()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
const MeasurementVectorType & itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetLowerBound ( ) const

Returns the current state of m_LowerBound.

◆ GetNameOfClass()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
const char * itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetNameOfClass ( ) const

◆ GetPaddingValue()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual const FixedImagePixelType & itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetPaddingValue ( ) const

Returns the padding value.

◆ GetUpperBound()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
const MeasurementVectorType & itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetUpperBound ( ) const

Returns the current state of m_UpperBound.

◆ GetUpperBoundIncreaseFactor()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual double itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetUpperBoundIncreaseFactor ( ) const

Factor to increase the upper bound for the samples in the histogram. Default value is 0.001

◆ GetUsePaddingValue()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual bool itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetUsePaddingValue ( ) const

Set whether the padding value should be used to determine which pixels should be ignored when calculating the similarity measure. Those pixels in the fixed image which have the padding value will be ignored.

◆ GetValue()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
MeasureType itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetValue ( const TransformParametersType parameters) const

Get the value for single valued optimizers.

◆ GetValueAndDerivative()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::GetValueAndDerivative ( const TransformParametersType parameters,
MeasureType value,
DerivativeType derivative 
) const

Get value and derivatives for multiple valued optimizers.

◆ Initialize()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::Initialize ( )

◆ PrintSelf()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const

◆ SetDerivativeStepLength()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SetDerivativeStepLength ( double  _arg)

Sets the step length used to calculate the derivative.

◆ SetDerivativeStepLengthScales()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SetDerivativeStepLengthScales ( ScalesType  _arg)

Sets the derivative step length scales.

◆ SetHistogramSize()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SetHistogramSize ( HistogramSizeType  _arg)

Sets the histogram size. Note this function must be called before Initialize().

◆ SetLowerBound()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SetLowerBound ( const MeasurementVectorType bounds)

Set the lower bounds of the intensities to be considered for computing the histogram. This option allows to focus the computation of the Metric in a particular range of intensities that correspond to features of interest.

◆ SetPaddingValue()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SetPaddingValue ( FixedImagePixelType  _arg)

The padding value.

◆ SetTransform()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SetTransform ( TransformType transform)

Define the transform and thereby the parameter space of the metric and the space of its derivatives

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >.

◆ SetUpperBound()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SetUpperBound ( const MeasurementVectorType bounds)

Set the upper bounds of the intensities to be considered for computing the histogram. This option allows to focus the computation of the Metric in a particular range of intensities that correspond to features of interest.

◆ SetUpperBoundIncreaseFactor()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SetUpperBoundIncreaseFactor ( double  _arg)

Factor to increase the upper bound for the samples in the histogram. Default value is 0.001

◆ SetUsePaddingValue()

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
virtual void itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SetUsePaddingValue ( bool  _arg)

Set whether the padding value should be used to determine which pixels should be ignored when calculating the similarity measure. Those pixels in the fixed image which have the padding value will be ignored.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_DerivativeStepLength

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
double itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_DerivativeStepLength {}

The step length used to calculate the derivative.

Definition at line 232 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_DerivativeStepLengthScales

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
ScalesType itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_DerivativeStepLengthScales {}

The derivative step length scales.

Definition at line 235 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_Histogram

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
HistogramPointer itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_Histogram {}

Pointer to the joint histogram. This is updated during every call to GetValue()

Definition at line 239 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_HistogramSize

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
HistogramSizeType itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_HistogramSize {}

The histogram size.

Definition at line 177 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_LowerBound

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
MeasurementVectorType itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_LowerBound {}

The lower bound for samples in the histogram.

Definition at line 180 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_LowerBoundSetByUser

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
bool itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_LowerBoundSetByUser {}

Boolean flag to indicate whether the user supplied lower bounds or whether they should be computed from the min of image intensities

Definition at line 190 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_PaddingValue

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
FixedImagePixelType itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_PaddingValue {}

The padding value.

Definition at line 224 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_UpperBound

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
MeasurementVectorType itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_UpperBound {}

The upper bound for samples in the histogram.

Definition at line 183 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_UpperBoundIncreaseFactor

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
double itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_UpperBoundIncreaseFactor {}

The increase in the upper bound.

Definition at line 186 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_UpperBoundSetByUser

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
bool itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_UpperBoundSetByUser {}

Boolean flag to indicate whether the user supplied upper bounds or whether they should be computed from the max of image intensities

Definition at line 194 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

◆ m_UsePaddingValue

template<typename TFixedImage , typename TMovingImage >
bool itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::m_UsePaddingValue {}

True if those pixels in the fixed image with the same value as the padding value should be ignored when calculating the similarity measure.

Definition at line 229 of file itkHistogramImageToImageMetric.h.

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