template<typename TInputImage, typename TFeatureImage, typename TOutputImage, typename TFunction, typename TIdCell = unsigned int>
class itk::MultiphaseDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter< TInputImage, TFeatureImage, TOutputImage, TFunction, TIdCell >
This filter implements a layer of the finite difference solver hierarchy that performs "dense" iteration, ie. iteration over all pixels in the input and output at each change calculation and update step. Dense iteration is in contrast to a "sparse" iteration over a subset of the pixels. See documentation for FiniteDifferenceImageFilter for an overview of the iterative finite difference algorithm:
- \(u_{\mathbf{i}}^{n+1}=u^n_{\mathbf{i}}+\Delta u^n_{\mathbf{i}}\Delta t\)
- The generic code for performing iterations and updates at each time step is inherited from the parent class. This class defines an update buffer for \( \Delta \) and the methods CalculateChange() and ApplyUpdate(). These methods are designed to automatically thread their execution. \( \Delta \) is defined as an image of identical size and type as the output image.
- As we descend through each layer in the hierarchy, we know more and more about the specific application of our filter. At this level, we have committed to iteration over each pixel in an image. We take advantage of that knowledge to multithread the iteration and update methods.
- Inputs and Outputs
- This is an image to image filter. The specific types of the images are not fixed at this level in the hierarchy.
- How to use this class
- This filter is only one layer in a branch the finite difference solver hierarchy. It does not define the function used in the CalculateChange() and it does not define the stopping criteria (Halt method). To use this class, subclass it to a specific instance that supplies a function and Halt() method.
Based on the paper [22].
- Author
- Mosaliganti K., Smith B., Gelas A., Gouaillard A., Megason S.
This code was taken from the Insight Journal paper:
"Cell Tracking using Coupled Active Surfaces for Nuclei and Membranes"
That is based on the papers:
"Level Set Segmentation: Active Contours without edge"
"Level set segmentation using coupled active surfaces"
- See also
- FiniteDifferenceImageFilter
Definition at line 98 of file itkMultiphaseDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter.h.
void | ApplyUpdate (TimeStepType dt) override |
void | CopyInputToOutput () override |
| MultiphaseDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter () |
void | PostProcessOutput () override |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &, Indent indent) const override |
| ~MultiphaseDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter () override=default |
void | GenerateData () override |
void | GenerateInputRequestedRegion () override |
virtual bool | Halt () |
virtual void | Initialize () |
| MultiphaseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter () |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
TimeStepType | ResolveTimeStep (const TimeStepVectorType &timeStepList, const std::vector< uint8_t > &valid) |
virtual bool | ThreadedHalt (void *threadInfo) |
| ~MultiphaseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter () override=default |
virtual void | InitializeIteration () |
virtual bool | GetRunningInPlace () const |
virtual bool | GetRunningInPlace () const |
| InPlaceImageFilter ()=default |
| InPlaceImageFilter ()=default |
void | ReleaseInputs () override |
void | ReleaseInputs () override |
| ~InPlaceImageFilter () override=default |
| ~InPlaceImageFilter () override=default |
void | AllocateOutputs () override |
void | AllocateOutputs () override |
virtual void | CallCopyInputRegionToOutputRegion (OutputImageRegionType &destRegion, const InputImageRegionType &srcRegion) |
virtual void | CallCopyOutputRegionToInputRegion (InputImageRegionType &destRegion, const OutputImageRegionType &srcRegion) |
| ImageToImageFilter () |
void | VerifyInputInformation () const override |
| ~ImageToImageFilter () override=default |
virtual void | AfterThreadedGenerateData () |
virtual void | BeforeThreadedGenerateData () |
void | ClassicMultiThread (ThreadFunctionType callbackFunction) |
virtual const ImageRegionSplitterBase * | GetImageRegionSplitter () const |
| ImageSource () |
virtual unsigned int | SplitRequestedRegion (unsigned int i, unsigned int pieces, OutputImageRegionType &splitRegion) |
| ~ImageSource () override=default |
virtual void | ThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType ®ion, ThreadIdType threadId) |
virtual void | DynamicThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &outputRegionForThread) |
virtual bool | GetDynamicMultiThreading () const |
virtual void | SetDynamicMultiThreading (bool _arg) |
virtual void | DynamicMultiThreadingOn () |
virtual void | DynamicMultiThreadingOff () |
virtual void | AddInput (DataObject *input) |
void | AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
void | AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
virtual void | AddOutput (DataObject *output) |
bool | AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
bool | AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
virtual void | CacheInputReleaseDataFlags () |
virtual void | GenerateOutputInformation () |
virtual void | GenerateOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *output) |
DataObject * | GetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
const DataObject * | GetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const |
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType & | GetNumberOfRequiredInputs () const |
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType & | GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs () const |
bool | IsIndexedInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
bool | IsIndexedOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
bool | IsRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType | MakeIndexFromInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const |
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType | MakeIndexFromOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const |
DataObjectIdentifierType | MakeNameFromInputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
DataObjectIdentifierType | MakeNameFromOutputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
| ProcessObject () |
virtual void | PropagateResetPipeline () |
virtual void | PushBackInput (const DataObject *input) |
virtual void | PushFrontInput (const DataObject *input) |
virtual void | RemoveInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual void | RemoveInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType) |
virtual void | RemoveOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual void | RemoveOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
bool | RemoveRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
virtual void | RestoreInputReleaseDataFlags () |
virtual void | SetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *input) |
virtual void | SetNthInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *input) |
virtual void | SetNthOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *output) |
void | SetNumberOfIndexedInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num) |
void | SetNumberOfIndexedOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRequiredInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType _arg) |
virtual void | SetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name, DataObject *output) |
virtual void | SetPrimaryInput (DataObject *object) |
virtual void | SetPrimaryOutput (DataObject *object) |
void | SetRequiredInputNames (const NameArray &) |
virtual void | VerifyPreconditions () const |
| ~ProcessObject () override |
DataObject * | GetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
const DataObject * | GetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
DataObject * | GetPrimaryInput () |
const DataObject * | GetPrimaryInput () const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual const char * | GetPrimaryInputName () const |
DataObject * | GetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
const DataObject * | GetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual const char * | GetPrimaryOutputName () const |
DataObject * | GetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) |
const DataObject * | GetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) const |
DataObject * | GetPrimaryOutput () |
const DataObject * | GetPrimaryOutput () const |
virtual bool | GetThreaderUpdateProgress () const |
virtual void | ThreaderUpdateProgressOn () |
virtual void | ThreaderUpdateProgressOff () |
virtual void | SetThreaderUpdateProgress (bool arg) |
| Object () |
bool | PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp) |
| ~Object () override |
virtual LightObject::Pointer | InternalClone () const |
| LightObject () |
virtual void | PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual | ~LightObject () |