ITK 6.0.0
Insight Toolkit
No Matches
itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > Class Template Reference

#include <itkOrientImageFilter.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
class itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >

Permute axes and then flip images as needed to obtain agreement in coordinateOrientation codes.

This class satisfies a common requirement in medical imaging, which is to properly orient a 3 dimensional image with respect to anatomical features. Due to the wide variety of hardware used to generate 3D images of human anatomy, and the even wider variety of image processing software, it is often necessary to re-orient image volume data.

OrientImageFilter depends on representations of the orientation defined in the AnatomicalOrientation class. The orientation is represented by the following anatomical terms with respect to the subject or patient:

  • Left and Right (Subject's left and right)
  • Anterior and Posterior (Subject's front and back)
  • Inferior and Superior (Subject's bottom and top, i.e. feet and head)

An AnatomicalOrientation object can be constructed unambiguously with the following syntax:

The orientations were previously defined in the itk::SpatialOrientation class. However, the 3 letter code is ambiguous with label and the direction the axis is increasing.

In order to use this filter, you need to supply an input image, the current orientation of the input image (set with SetGivenCoordinateOrientation) and the desired orientation. (set with SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation). You may explicitly set the DesiredOrientation with SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation (if UseImageDirection is "off") or you can use the image's direction cosines to set the DesiredOrientation (if UseImageDirection is "on"). When reading image files that define the coordinate orientation of the image, the current orientation is stored in the MetadataDictionary for the itk::Image object and the Image.Direction direction cosine matrix created from the file.


Definition at line 74 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >:

Public Types

using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using CoordinateOrientationCode = AnatomicalOrientation
using FlipAxesArrayType = typename FlipperType::FlipAxesArrayType
using FlipperType = FlipImageFilter<TInputImage>
using InputImageConstPointer = typename InputImageType::ConstPointer
using InputImagePixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType
using InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer
using InputImageRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType
using InputImageType = TInputImage
using OutputImageConstPointer = typename OutputImageType::ConstPointer
using OutputImagePixelType = typename OutputImageType::PixelType
using OutputImagePointer = typename OutputImageType::Pointer
using OutputImageRegionType = typename OutputImageType::RegionType
using OutputImageType = TOutputImage
using PermuteOrderArrayType = typename PermuterType::PermuteOrderArrayType
using PermuterType = PermuteAxesImageFilter<TInputImage>
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = OrientImageFilter
using Superclass = ImageToImageFilter<TInputImage, TOutputImage>
- Public Types inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using InputImageConstPointer = typename InputImageType::ConstPointer
using InputImagePixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType
using InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer
using InputImageRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType
using InputImageType = TInputImage
using OutputImagePixelType
using OutputImageRegionType
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = ImageToImageFilter
using Superclass = ImageSource<TOutputImage>
- Public Types inherited from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using DataObjectIdentifierType = Superclass::DataObjectIdentifierType
using DataObjectPointer = DataObject::Pointer
using DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = Superclass::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType
using OutputImagePixelType = typename OutputImageType::PixelType
using OutputImagePointer = typename OutputImageType::Pointer
using OutputImageRegionType = typename OutputImageType::RegionType
using OutputImageType = TOutputImage
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = ImageSource
using Superclass = ProcessObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::ProcessObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using DataObjectIdentifierType = DataObject::DataObjectIdentifierType
using DataObjectPointer = DataObject::Pointer
using DataObjectPointerArray = std::vector<DataObjectPointer>
using DataObjectPointerArraySizeType = DataObjectPointerArray::size_type
using MultiThreaderType = MultiThreaderBase
using NameArray = std::vector<DataObjectIdentifierType>
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = ProcessObject
using Superclass = Object
- Public Types inherited from itk::Object
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = Object
using Superclass = LightObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::LightObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
using Self = LightObject

Public Member Functions

virtual::itk::LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const
void GenerateOutputInformation () override
virtual CoordinateOrientationCode GetDesiredCoordinateOrientation () const
virtual const FlipAxesArrayTypeGetFlipAxes () const
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual const PermuteOrderArrayTypeGetPermuteOrder () const
void SetDesiredCoordinateDirection (const typename TOutputImage::DirectionType &DesiredDirection)
void SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation (CoordinateOrientationCode newCode)
void SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToCoronal ()
void SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToSagittal ()
void SetGivenCoordinateDirection (const typename TInputImage::DirectionType &GivenDirection)
virtual CoordinateOrientationCode GetGivenCoordinateOrientation () const
void SetGivenCoordinateOrientation (CoordinateOrientationCode newCode)
virtual void UseImageDirectionOn ()
virtual void UseImageDirectionOff ()
virtual bool GetUseImageDirection () const
virtual void SetUseImageDirection (bool _arg)
void SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToAxial ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
const InputImageTypeGetInput () const
const InputImageTypeGetInput (unsigned int idx) const
void PopBackInput () override
void PopFrontInput () override
virtual void PushBackInput (const InputImageType *input)
virtual void PushFrontInput (const InputImageType *input)
virtual void SetInput (const InputImageType *input)
virtual void SetInput (unsigned int, const TInputImage *image)
virtual void SetCoordinateTolerance (double _arg)
virtual double GetCoordinateTolerance () const
virtual void SetDirectionTolerance (double _arg)
virtual double GetDirectionTolerance () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >
OutputImageTypeGetOutput (unsigned int idx)
OutputImageTypeGetOutput ()
const OutputImageTypeGetOutput () const
virtual void GraftOutput (DataObject *graft)
virtual void GraftOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *graft)
virtual void GraftNthOutput (unsigned int idx, DataObject *graft)
ProcessObject::DataObjectPointer MakeOutput (ProcessObject::DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) override
ProcessObject::DataObjectPointer MakeOutput (const ProcessObject::DataObjectIdentifierType &) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ProcessObject
virtual void AbortGenerateDataOff ()
virtual void AbortGenerateDataOn ()
virtual const bool & GetAbortGenerateData () const
DataObjectPointerArray GetIndexedInputs ()
DataObjectPointerArray GetIndexedOutputs ()
NameArray GetInputNames () const
DataObjectPointerArray GetInputs ()
MultiThreaderTypeGetMultiThreader () const
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfIndexedInputs () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfIndexedOutputs () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfInputs () const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfOutputs () const
virtual DataObjectPointerArraySizeType GetNumberOfValidRequiredInputs () const
NameArray GetOutputNames () const
DataObjectPointerArray GetOutputs ()
virtual float GetProgress () const
NameArray GetRequiredInputNames () const
bool HasInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
bool HasOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
void IncrementProgress (float increment)
virtual void PrepareOutputs ()
virtual void PropagateRequestedRegion (DataObject *output)
virtual void ResetPipeline ()
virtual void SetAbortGenerateData (bool _arg)
void SetMultiThreader (MultiThreaderType *threader)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void UpdateLargestPossibleRegion ()
virtual void UpdateOutputData (DataObject *output)
virtual void UpdateOutputInformation ()
void UpdateProgress (float progress)
virtual void SetReleaseDataFlag (bool val)
virtual bool GetReleaseDataFlag () const
void ReleaseDataFlagOn ()
void ReleaseDataFlagOff ()
virtual void SetReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag (bool _arg)
virtual const bool & GetReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlag () const
virtual void ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlagOn ()
virtual void ReleaseDataBeforeUpdateFlagOff ()
virtual void SetNumberOfWorkUnits (ThreadIdType _arg)
virtual const ThreadIdTypeGetNumberOfWorkUnits () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *cmd) const
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, std::function< void(const EventObject &)> function) const
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDebug () const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary ()
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary () const
virtual ModifiedTimeType GetMTime () const
virtual const TimeStampGetTimeStamp () const
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
virtual void Modified () const
void Register () const override
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) const
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
void SetReferenceCount (int) override
void UnRegister () const noexcept override
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs)
virtual void SetObjectName (std::string _arg)
virtual const std::string & GetObjectName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
Pointer Clone () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const

Static Public Member Functions

static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
static double GetGlobalDefaultCoordinateTolerance ()
static double GetGlobalDefaultDirectionTolerance ()
static void SetGlobalDefaultCoordinateTolerance (double)
static void SetGlobalDefaultDirectionTolerance (double)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static Pointer New ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool val)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
static void BreakOnError ()
static Pointer New ()

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int InputImageDimension = TInputImage::ImageDimension
static constexpr unsigned int OutputImageDimension = TOutputImage::ImageDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
static constexpr unsigned int InputImageDimension = TInputImage::ImageDimension
static constexpr unsigned int OutputImageDimension = TOutputImage::ImageDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >
static constexpr unsigned int OutputImageDimension = TOutputImage::ImageDimension

Protected Member Functions

void DeterminePermutationsAndFlips (const CoordinateOrientationCode fixed_orient, const CoordinateOrientationCode moving_orient)
void EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *output) override
void GenerateData () override
void GenerateInputRequestedRegion () override
bool NeedToFlip ()
bool NeedToPermute ()
 OrientImageFilter ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
void VerifyPreconditions () const override
 ~OrientImageFilter () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
virtual void CallCopyInputRegionToOutputRegion (OutputImageRegionType &destRegion, const InputImageRegionType &srcRegion)
virtual void CallCopyOutputRegionToInputRegion (InputImageRegionType &destRegion, const OutputImageRegionType &srcRegion)
 ImageToImageFilter ()
void VerifyInputInformation () const override
 ~ImageToImageFilter () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >
virtual void AfterThreadedGenerateData ()
virtual void AllocateOutputs ()
virtual void BeforeThreadedGenerateData ()
void ClassicMultiThread (ThreadFunctionType callbackFunction)
virtual const ImageRegionSplitterBaseGetImageRegionSplitter () const
 ImageSource ()
virtual unsigned int SplitRequestedRegion (unsigned int i, unsigned int pieces, OutputImageRegionType &splitRegion)
 ~ImageSource () override=default
virtual void ThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &region, ThreadIdType threadId)
virtual void DynamicThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &outputRegionForThread)
virtual bool GetDynamicMultiThreading () const
virtual void SetDynamicMultiThreading (bool _arg)
virtual void DynamicMultiThreadingOn ()
virtual void DynamicMultiThreadingOff ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ProcessObject
virtual void AddInput (DataObject *input)
void AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
void AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
virtual void AddOutput (DataObject *output)
bool AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
bool AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
virtual void CacheInputReleaseDataFlags ()
virtual void GenerateOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *output)
DataObjectGetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
const DataObjectGetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeTypeGetNumberOfRequiredInputs () const
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeTypeGetNumberOfRequiredOutputs () const
bool IsIndexedInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const
bool IsIndexedOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const
bool IsRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType MakeIndexFromInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType MakeIndexFromOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const
DataObjectIdentifierType MakeNameFromInputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
DataObjectIdentifierType MakeNameFromOutputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ProcessObject ()
virtual void PropagateResetPipeline ()
virtual void PushBackInput (const DataObject *input)
virtual void PushFrontInput (const DataObject *input)
virtual void ReleaseInputs ()
virtual void RemoveInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual void RemoveInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType)
virtual void RemoveOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual void RemoveOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
bool RemoveRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &)
virtual void RestoreInputReleaseDataFlags ()
virtual void SetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *input)
virtual void SetNthInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *input)
virtual void SetNthOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *output)
void SetNumberOfIndexedInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num)
void SetNumberOfIndexedOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num)
virtual void SetNumberOfRequiredInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType)
virtual void SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType _arg)
virtual void SetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name, DataObject *output)
virtual void SetPrimaryInput (DataObject *object)
virtual void SetPrimaryOutput (DataObject *object)
void SetRequiredInputNames (const NameArray &)
 ~ProcessObject () override
DataObjectGetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx)
const DataObjectGetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const
DataObjectGetPrimaryInput ()
const DataObjectGetPrimaryInput () const
virtual void SetPrimaryInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual const char * GetPrimaryInputName () const
DataObjectGetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
const DataObjectGetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const
virtual void SetPrimaryOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key)
virtual const char * GetPrimaryOutputName () const
DataObjectGetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i)
const DataObjectGetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) const
DataObjectGetPrimaryOutput ()
const DataObjectGetPrimaryOutput () const
virtual bool GetThreaderUpdateProgress () const
virtual void ThreaderUpdateProgressOn ()
virtual void ThreaderUpdateProgressOff ()
virtual void SetThreaderUpdateProgress (bool arg)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
 Object ()
bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp)
 ~Object () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
virtual LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const
 LightObject ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual ~LightObject ()

Private Attributes

CoordinateOrientationCode m_DesiredCoordinateOrientation
FlipAxesArrayType m_FlipAxes { false }
CoordinateOrientationCode m_GivenCoordinateOrientation
PermuteOrderArrayType m_PermuteOrder {}
bool m_UseImageDirection { false }

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
using InputToOutputRegionCopierType
using OutputToInputRegionCopierType
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >
static const ImageRegionSplitterBaseGetGlobalDefaultSplitter ()
static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_FUNCTION_CALL_CONVENTION ThreaderCallback (void *arg)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ProcessObject
template<typename TSourceObject>
static void MakeRequiredOutputs (TSourceObject &sourceObject, const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType numberOfRequiredOutputs)
static constexpr float progressFixedToFloat (uint32_t fixed)
static uint32_t progressFloatToFixed (float f)
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >
bool m_DynamicMultiThreading { true }
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ProcessObject
TimeStamp m_OutputInformationMTime {}
bool m_Updating {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::LightObject
std::atomic< int > m_ReferenceCount {}

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPointer

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>

Definition at line 83 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ CoordinateOrientationCode

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::CoordinateOrientationCode = AnatomicalOrientation

Definition at line 96 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ FlipAxesArrayType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::FlipAxesArrayType = typename FlipperType::FlipAxesArrayType

Definition at line 104 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ FlipperType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::FlipperType = FlipImageFilter<TInputImage>

Axes flipper type.

Definition at line 103 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ InputImageConstPointer

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::InputImageConstPointer = typename InputImageType::ConstPointer

Definition at line 88 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ InputImagePixelType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::InputImagePixelType = typename InputImageType::PixelType

Definition at line 90 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ InputImagePointer

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::InputImagePointer = typename InputImageType::Pointer

Definition at line 87 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ InputImageRegionType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::InputImageRegionType = typename InputImageType::RegionType

Definition at line 89 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ InputImageType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::InputImageType = TInputImage

Some convenient type alias.

Definition at line 86 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ OutputImageConstPointer

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::OutputImageConstPointer = typename OutputImageType::ConstPointer

Definition at line 93 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ OutputImagePixelType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::OutputImagePixelType = typename OutputImageType::PixelType

Definition at line 95 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ OutputImagePointer

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::OutputImagePointer = typename OutputImageType::Pointer

Definition at line 92 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ OutputImageRegionType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::OutputImageRegionType = typename OutputImageType::RegionType

Definition at line 94 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ OutputImageType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::OutputImageType = TOutputImage

Definition at line 91 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ PermuteOrderArrayType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::PermuteOrderArrayType = typename PermuterType::PermuteOrderArrayType

Definition at line 100 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ PermuterType

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::PermuterType = PermuteAxesImageFilter<TInputImage>

Axes permuter type.

Definition at line 99 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ Pointer

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>

Definition at line 82 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ Self

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::Self = OrientImageFilter

Standard class type aliases.

Definition at line 80 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ Superclass

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
using itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::Superclass = ImageToImageFilter<TInputImage, TOutputImage>

Definition at line 81 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OrientImageFilter()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::OrientImageFilter ( )

Referenced by GetNameOfClass().

◆ ~OrientImageFilter()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::~OrientImageFilter ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateAnother()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
virtual::itk::LightObject::Pointer itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::CreateAnother ( ) const

Create an object from an instance, potentially deferring to a factory. This method allows you to create an instance of an object that is exactly the same type as the referring object. This is useful in cases where an object has been cast back to a base class.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

◆ DeterminePermutationsAndFlips()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::DeterminePermutationsAndFlips ( const CoordinateOrientationCode fixed_orient,
const CoordinateOrientationCode moving_orient )

◆ EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::EnlargeOutputRequestedRegion ( DataObject * output)

OrientImageFilter will produce the entire output.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

◆ GenerateData()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::GenerateData ( )

Single-threaded version of GenerateData. This filter delegates to PermuteAxesImageFilter and FlipImageFilter.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage >.

◆ GenerateInputRequestedRegion()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::GenerateInputRequestedRegion ( )

OrientImageFilter needs the entire input be available. Thus, it needs to provide an implementation of GenerateInputRequestedRegion().

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

◆ GenerateOutputInformation()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::GenerateOutputInformation ( )

OrientImageFilter produces an image which is a different dimensionality than its input image, in general. As such, OrientImageFilter needs to provide an implementation for GenerateOutputInformation() in order to inform the pipeline execution model. The original documentation of this method is below.

See also

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

◆ GetDesiredCoordinateOrientation()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
virtual CoordinateOrientationCode itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::GetDesiredCoordinateOrientation ( ) const

◆ GetFlipAxes()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
virtual const FlipAxesArrayType & itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::GetFlipAxes ( ) const

Get flip axes.

◆ GetGivenCoordinateOrientation()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
virtual CoordinateOrientationCode itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::GetGivenCoordinateOrientation ( ) const

Set/Get the orientation codes to define the coordinate transform.

◆ GetNameOfClass()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
const char * itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::GetNameOfClass ( ) const

◆ GetPermuteOrder()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
virtual const PermuteOrderArrayType & itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::GetPermuteOrder ( ) const

Get axes permute order.

◆ GetUseImageDirection()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
virtual bool itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::GetUseImageDirection ( ) const

Controls how the GivenCoordinateOrientation is determined. If set to On, the direction cosines determine the coordinate orientation. If set to Off, the user must use the SetGivenCoordinateOrientation method to establish the orientation.

For compatibility with the original API, the default value is Off.

◆ NeedToFlip()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
bool itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::NeedToFlip ( )

Returns true if flipping is required. Returns false otherwise.

◆ NeedToPermute()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
bool itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::NeedToPermute ( )

Returns true if a permute is required. Returns false otherwise.

◆ New()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
static Pointer itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::New ( )

Standard New method.

◆ PrintSelf()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream & os,
Indent indent ) const

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >.

◆ SetDesiredCoordinateDirection()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetDesiredCoordinateDirection ( const typename TOutputImage::DirectionType & DesiredDirection)

Definition at line 133 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

References SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation().

◆ SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation ( CoordinateOrientationCode newCode)

◆ SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToAxial()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToAxial ( )

Convenience methods to set desired slice orientation These methods allow a limited selection of slice orientations without having to specify the SpatialOrientation.

SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToAxial is equivalent to AnatomicalOrientation::PositiveEnum::LPS.

SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToCoronal is equivalent to AnatomicalOrientation::PositiveEnum::LIP.

SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToSagittal is equivalent to AnatomicalOrientation::PositiveEnum::PIR.

Definition at line 168 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

References itk::AnatomicalOrientation::AnteriorToPosterior, itk::AnatomicalOrientation::InferiorToSuperior, itk::AnatomicalOrientation::RightToLeft, and SetDesiredCoordinateOrientation().

◆ SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToCoronal()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToCoronal ( )

◆ SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToSagittal()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetDesiredCoordinateOrientationToSagittal ( )

◆ SetGivenCoordinateDirection()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetGivenCoordinateDirection ( const typename TInputImage::DirectionType & GivenDirection)

Definition at line 123 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

References SetGivenCoordinateOrientation().

◆ SetGivenCoordinateOrientation()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetGivenCoordinateOrientation ( CoordinateOrientationCode newCode)

Set/Get the orientation codes to define the coordinate transform.

Referenced by SetGivenCoordinateDirection().

◆ SetUseImageDirection()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::SetUseImageDirection ( bool _arg)

Controls how the GivenCoordinateOrientation is determined. If set to On, the direction cosines determine the coordinate orientation. If set to Off, the user must use the SetGivenCoordinateOrientation method to establish the orientation.

For compatibility with the original API, the default value is Off.

◆ UseImageDirectionOff()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::UseImageDirectionOff ( )

Controls how the GivenCoordinateOrientation is determined. If set to On, the direction cosines determine the coordinate orientation. If set to Off, the user must use the SetGivenCoordinateOrientation method to establish the orientation.

For compatibility with the original API, the default value is Off.

◆ UseImageDirectionOn()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
virtual void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::UseImageDirectionOn ( )

Controls how the GivenCoordinateOrientation is determined. If set to On, the direction cosines determine the coordinate orientation. If set to Off, the user must use the SetGivenCoordinateOrientation method to establish the orientation.

For compatibility with the original API, the default value is Off.

◆ VerifyPreconditions()

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
void itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::VerifyPreconditions ( ) const

Verifies that the process object has been configured correctly, that all required inputs are set, and needed parameters are set appropriately. If not valid an exceptions will be thrown.

This method is called before UpdateOutputInformation() is propagated to the inputs.

The ProcessObject's implementation verifies that the m_NumberOfRequiredInputs are set and not null.

Reimplemented from itk::ProcessObject.

Member Data Documentation

◆ InputImageDimension

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
unsigned int itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::InputImageDimension = TInputImage::ImageDimension

ImageDimension constants

Definition at line 107 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ m_DesiredCoordinateOrientation

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
CoordinateOrientationCode itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::m_DesiredCoordinateOrientation

◆ m_FlipAxes

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
FlipAxesArrayType itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::m_FlipAxes { false }

Definition at line 255 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ m_GivenCoordinateOrientation

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
CoordinateOrientationCode itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::m_GivenCoordinateOrientation

◆ m_PermuteOrder

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
PermuteOrderArrayType itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::m_PermuteOrder {}

Definition at line 254 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ m_UseImageDirection

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
bool itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::m_UseImageDirection { false }

Definition at line 252 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

◆ OutputImageDimension

template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
unsigned int itk::OrientImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >::OutputImageDimension = TOutputImage::ImageDimension

Definition at line 108 of file itkOrientImageFilter.h.

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