ITK  6.0.0
Insight Toolkit
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itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType > Class Template Referenceabstract

#include <itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename TFixedPointSet, typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
class itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >

Computes similarity between two point sets.

This class is templated over the type of the two point-sets. It expects a Transform to be plugged in for each of fixed and moving point sets. The transforms default to IdentityTransform types. This particular class is the base class for a hierarchy of point-set to point-set metrics.

This class computes a value that measures the similarity between the fixed point-set and the moving point-set in the moving domain. The fixed point set is transformed into the virtual domain by computing the inverse of the fixed transform, then transformed into the moving domain using the moving transform.

Since the PointSet class permits each Point to be associated with a PixelType, there are potential applications which could make use of this additional information. For example, the derived LabeledPointSetToPointSetMetric class uses the PixelType as a LabelEnum for estimating total metric values and gradients from the individual label-wise point subset metric and derivatives

If a virtual domain is not defined by the user, one of two things happens: 1) If the moving transform is a global type, then the virtual domain is left undefined and every point is considered to be within the virtual domain. 2) If the moving transform is a local-support type, then the virtual domain is taken during initialization from the moving transform displacement field, and all fixed points are verified to be within the virtual domain after transformation by the inverse fixed transform. Points outside the virtual domain are not used. See GetNumberOfValidPoints() to verify how many fixed points were used during evaluation.

See ObjectToObjectMetric documentation for more discussion on the virtual domain.

When used with an RegistrationParameterScalesEstimator estimator, a VirtualDomainPointSet must be defined and assigned to the estimator, for use in shift estimation. The virtual domain point set can be retrieved from the metric using the GetVirtualTransformedPointSet() method.

Definition at line 72 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >:

Public Types

using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using CoordinateType = typename PointType::CoordinateType
using DerivativeValueType = typename DerivativeType::ValueType
using DisplacementFieldTransformType = typename Superclass::MovingDisplacementFieldTransformType
using FixedPixelType = typename TFixedPointSet::PixelType
using FixedPointsContainer = typename TFixedPointSet::PointsContainer
using FixedPointSetType = TFixedPointSet
using FixedPointType = typename TFixedPointSet::PointType
using FixedTransformedPointSetType = PointSet< FixedPixelType, Self::PointDimension >
using LocalDerivativeType = FixedArray< DerivativeValueType, Self::PointDimension >
using MovingPixelType = typename TMovingPointSet::PixelType
using MovingPointsContainer = typename TMovingPointSet::PointsContainer
using MovingPointSetType = TMovingPointSet
using MovingPointType = typename TMovingPointSet::PointType
using MovingTransformedPointSetType = PointSet< MovingPixelType, Self::PointDimension >
using NeighborsIdentifierType = typename PointsLocatorType::NeighborsIdentifierType
using ObjectType = typename Superclass::ObjectType
using PixelType = FixedPixelType
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using PointIdentifier = typename PointsContainer::ElementIdentifier
using PointsConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator
using PointsContainer = FixedPointsContainer
using PointsLocatorType = PointsLocator< PointsContainer >
using PointType = FixedPointType
using Self = PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4
using Superclass = ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image< TInternalComputationValueType, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >, TInternalComputationValueType >
using VirtualImageType = typename Superclass::VirtualImageType
using VirtualOriginType = typename Superclass::VirtualPointType
using VirtualRadiusType = typename Superclass::VirtualSizeType
- Public Types inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image< double, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >, double >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using CoordinateRepresentationType = double
using DimensionType = SizeValueType
using FixedInputPointType = typename FixedTransformType::InputPointType
using FixedOutputPointType = typename FixedTransformType::OutputPointType
using FixedTransformJacobianType = typename FixedTransformType::JacobianType
using FixedTransformParametersType = typename FixedTransformType::ParametersType
using FixedTransformPointer = typename FixedTransformType::Pointer
using FixedTransformType = Transform< double, TVirtualImage::ImageDimension, TFixedDimension >
using InternalComputationValueType = double
using JacobianType = typename FixedTransformType::JacobianType
using MetricCategoryType = typename Superclass::MetricCategoryEnum
using MovingDisplacementFieldTransformType = DisplacementFieldTransform< CoordinateRepresentationType, Self::MovingDimension >
using MovingInputPointType = typename MovingTransformType::InputPointType
using MovingOutputPointType = typename MovingTransformType::OutputPointType
using MovingTransformJacobianType = typename MovingTransformType::JacobianType
using MovingTransformParametersType = typename MovingTransformType::ParametersType
using MovingTransformPointer = typename MovingTransformType::Pointer
using MovingTransformType = Transform< double, TVirtualImage::ImageDimension, TMovingDimension >
using ObjectType = typename Superclass::Object
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = ObjectToObjectMetric
using Superclass = ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >
using VirtualDirectionType = typename VirtualImageType::DirectionType
using VirtualImageConstPointer = typename VirtualImageType::ConstPointer
using VirtualImagePointer = typename VirtualImageType::Pointer
using VirtualImageType = Image< double, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >
using VirtualIndexType = typename VirtualImageType::IndexType
using VirtualOriginType = typename VirtualImageType::PointType
using VirtualPixelType = typename VirtualImageType::PixelType
using VirtualPointSetPointer = typename VirtualPointSetType::Pointer
using VirtualPointSetType = PointSet< VirtualPixelType, Self::VirtualDimension >
using VirtualPointType = typename VirtualImageType::PointType
using VirtualRadiusType = typename VirtualImageType::SizeType
using VirtualRegionType = typename VirtualImageType::RegionType
using VirtualSizeType = typename VirtualRegionType::SizeType
using VirtualSpacingType = typename VirtualImageType::SpacingType
- Public Types inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using CoordinateRepresentationType = double
using DerivativeValueType = typename DerivativeType::ValueType
using GradientSourceEnum = itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplateEnums::GradientSource
using MetricCategoryEnum = itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplateEnums::MetricCategory
using NumberOfParametersType = unsigned int
using ObjectConstPointer = typename ObjectType::ConstPointer
using ObjectType = Object
using ParametersValueType = double
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate
using Superclass = SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template< double >
- Public Types inherited from itk::SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template< double >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using DerivativeType = Array< double >
using MeasureType = double
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template
using Superclass = CostFunctionTemplate< double >
- Public Types inherited from itk::CostFunctionTemplate< double >
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using ParametersType = OptimizerParameters< double >
using ParametersValueType = double
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = CostFunctionTemplate
using Superclass = Object
- Public Types inherited from itk::Object
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = Object
using Superclass = LightObject
- Public Types inherited from itk::LightObject
using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >
using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >
using Self = LightObject

Public Member Functions

void GetDerivative (DerivativeType &) const override
virtual FixedTransformedPointSetTypeGetModifiableFixedTransformedPointSet ()
virtual MovingTransformedPointSetTypeGetModifiableMovingTransformedPointSet ()
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
SizeValueType GetNumberOfComponents () const
MeasureType GetValue () const override
void GetValueAndDerivative (MeasureType &, DerivativeType &) const override
const VirtualPointSetTypeGetVirtualTransformedPointSet () const
void Initialize () override
bool SupportsArbitraryVirtualDomainSamples () const override
void SetFixedObject (const ObjectType *object) override
void SetMovingObject (const ObjectType *object) override
virtual void SetFixedPointSet (const FixedPointSetType *_arg)
virtual const FixedPointSetTypeGetFixedPointSet () const
virtual void SetMovingPointSet (const MovingPointSetType *_arg)
virtual const MovingPointSetTypeGetMovingPointSet () const
virtual void SetStoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransforms (bool _arg)
virtual bool GetStoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransforms () const
virtual void StoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransformsOn ()
virtual void SetCalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpace (bool _arg)
virtual bool GetCalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpace () const
virtual void CalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpaceOn ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image< double, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >, double >
OffsetValueType ComputeParameterOffsetFromVirtualIndex (const VirtualIndexType &index, const NumberOfParametersType &numberOfLocalParameters) const
OffsetValueType ComputeParameterOffsetFromVirtualPoint (const VirtualPointType &point, const NumberOfParametersType &numberOfLocalParameters) const
MetricCategoryType GetMetricCategory () const override
virtual FixedTransformTypeGetModifiableFixedTransform ()
virtual MovingTransformTypeGetModifiableMovingTransform ()
virtual VirtualImageTypeGetModifiableVirtualImage ()
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
NumberOfParametersType GetNumberOfLocalParameters () const override
NumberOfParametersType GetNumberOfParameters () const override
virtual SizeValueType GetNumberOfValidPoints () const
const ParametersTypeGetParameters () const override
const MovingTransformTypeGetTransform ()
VirtualDirectionType GetVirtualDirection () const
virtual const TimeStampGetVirtualDomainTimeStamp () const
VirtualOriginType GetVirtualOrigin () const
const VirtualRegionTypeGetVirtualRegion () const
VirtualSpacingType GetVirtualSpacing () const
bool HasLocalSupport () const override
void Initialize () override
virtual void SetFixedTransform (FixedTransformType *_arg)
virtual void SetMovingTransform (MovingTransformType *_arg)
void SetParameters (ParametersType &params) override
void SetTransform (MovingTransformType *transform)
void SetVirtualDomain (const VirtualSpacingType &spacing, const VirtualOriginType &origin, const VirtualDirectionType &direction, const VirtualRegionType &region)
void SetVirtualDomainFromImage (const VirtualImageType *virtualImage)
virtual bool SupportsArbitraryVirtualDomainSamples () const=0
void UpdateTransformParameters (const DerivativeType &derivative, double factor) override
bool IsInsideVirtualDomain (const VirtualPointType &point) const
bool IsInsideVirtualDomain (const VirtualIndexType &index) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >
MeasureType GetCurrentValue () const
virtual void GetDerivative (DerivativeType &) const=0
virtual GradientSourceEnum GetGradientSource () const
bool GetGradientSourceIncludesFixed () const
bool GetGradientSourceIncludesMoving () const
virtual MetricCategoryEnum GetMetricCategory () const
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual const ParametersTypeGetParameters () const=0
MeasureType GetValue () const override=0
void GetValueAndDerivative (MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const override=0
virtual bool HasLocalSupport () const=0
virtual void Initialize ()=0
virtual void SetGradientSource (GradientSourceEnum _arg)
virtual void SetParameters (ParametersType &params)=0
virtual void UpdateTransformParameters (const DerivativeType &derivative, ParametersValueType factor=NumericTraits< ParametersValueType >::OneValue())=0
virtual void SetFixedObject (const ObjectType *_arg)
virtual const ObjectTypeGetFixedObject () const
virtual void SetMovingObject (const ObjectType *_arg)
virtual const ObjectTypeGetMovingObject () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template< double >
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual MeasureType GetValue () const=0
virtual void GetValueAndDerivative (MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const=0
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfParameters () const=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, Command *cmd) const
unsigned long AddObserver (const EventObject &event, std::function< void(const EventObject &)> function) const
LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const override
virtual void DebugOff () const
virtual void DebugOn () const
CommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
bool GetDebug () const
MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary ()
const MetaDataDictionaryGetMetaDataDictionary () const
virtual ModifiedTimeType GetMTime () const
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual const TimeStampGetTimeStamp () const
bool HasObserver (const EventObject &event) const
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &)
void InvokeEvent (const EventObject &) const
virtual void Modified () const
void Register () const override
void RemoveAllObservers ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) const
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag) const
void SetReferenceCount (int) override
void UnRegister () const noexcept override
void SetMetaDataDictionary (const MetaDataDictionary &rhs)
void SetMetaDataDictionary (MetaDataDictionary &&rrhs)
virtual void SetObjectName (std::string _arg)
virtual const std::string & GetObjectName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
Pointer Clone () const
virtual Pointer CreateAnother () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual const char * GetNameOfClass () const
virtual int GetReferenceCount () const
void Print (std::ostream &os, Indent indent=0) const
virtual void Register () const
virtual void SetReferenceCount (int)
virtual void UnRegister () const noexcept

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr DimensionType FixedPointDimension = Superclass::FixedDimension
static constexpr DimensionType MovingPointDimension = Superclass::MovingDimension
static constexpr DimensionType PointDimension = Superclass::FixedDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image< double, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >, double >
static constexpr DimensionType FixedDimension
static constexpr DimensionType MovingDimension
static constexpr DimensionType VirtualDimension

Protected Member Functions

virtual SizeValueType CalculateNumberOfValidFixedPoints () const
void CalculateValueAndDerivative (MeasureType &calculatedValue, DerivativeType &derivative, bool calculateValue) const
virtual LocalDerivativeType GetLocalNeighborhoodDerivativeWithIndex (const PointIdentifier &, const PointType &, const PixelType &pixel) const
virtual void GetLocalNeighborhoodValueAndDerivativeWithIndex (const PointIdentifier &, const PointType &, MeasureType &, LocalDerivativeType &, const PixelType &pixel) const =0
virtual MeasureType GetLocalNeighborhoodValueWithIndex (const PointIdentifier &, const PointType &, const PixelType &pixel) const =0
MetricCategoryType GetMetricCategory () const override
virtual void InitializeForIteration () const
virtual void InitializePointSets () const
void InitializePointsLocators () const
 PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4 ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
virtual bool RequiresFixedPointsLocator () const
virtual bool RequiresMovingPointsLocator () const
void StorePointDerivative (const VirtualPointType &, const DerivativeType &, DerivativeType &) const
void TransformFixedAndCreateVirtualPointSet () const
void TransformMovingPointSet () const
 ~PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4 () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image< double, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >, double >
const MovingDisplacementFieldTransformTypeGetMovingDisplacementFieldTransform () const
 ObjectToObjectMetric ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
bool TransformPhysicalPointToVirtualIndex (const VirtualPointType &, VirtualIndexType &) const
void TransformVirtualIndexToPhysicalPoint (const VirtualIndexType &, VirtualPointType &) const
virtual void VerifyDisplacementFieldSizeAndPhysicalSpace ()
bool VerifyNumberOfValidPoints (MeasureType &value, DerivativeType &derivative) const
 ~ObjectToObjectMetric () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >
 ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ~ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template< double >
 SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template ()=default
 ~SingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::CostFunctionTemplate< double >
 CostFunctionTemplate ()=default
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ~CostFunctionTemplate () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
 Object ()
bool PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
virtual void SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp)
 ~Object () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
virtual LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const
 LightObject ()
virtual void PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual void PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const
virtual ~LightObject ()

Protected Attributes

bool m_CalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpace {}
FixedPointSetType::ConstPointer m_FixedPointSet {}
FixedTransformedPointSetType::Pointer m_FixedTransformedPointSet {}
PointsLocatorType::Pointer m_FixedTransformedPointsLocator {}
MovingPointSetType::ConstPointer m_MovingPointSet {}
MovingTransformedPointSetType::Pointer m_MovingTransformedPointSet {}
PointsLocatorType::Pointer m_MovingTransformedPointsLocator {}
bool m_UsePointSetData {}
VirtualPointSetPointer m_VirtualTransformedPointSet {}
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image< double, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >, double >
FixedTransformPointer m_FixedTransform
MovingTransformPointer m_MovingTransform
SizeValueType m_NumberOfValidPoints
bool m_UserHasSetVirtualDomain
VirtualImagePointer m_VirtualImage
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >
ObjectConstPointer m_FixedObject
GradientSourceEnum m_GradientSource
ObjectConstPointer m_MovingObject
MeasureType m_Value
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::LightObject
std::atomic< int > m_ReferenceCount {}

Private Types

using PointIdentifierPair = std::pair< PointIdentifier, PointIdentifier >
using PointIdentifierRanges = std::vector< PointIdentifierPair >

Private Member Functions

const PointIdentifierRanges CreateRanges () const

Private Attributes

ModifiedTimeType m_FixedTransformedPointSetTime {}
bool m_FixedTransformPointLocatorsNeedInitialization {}
bool m_HaveWarnedAboutNumberOfValidPoints {}
ModifiedTimeType m_MovingTransformedPointSetTime {}
bool m_MovingTransformPointLocatorsNeedInitialization {}
bool m_StoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransforms {}

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Object
static bool GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static Pointer New ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (bool val)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from itk::LightObject
static void BreakOnError ()
static Pointer New ()

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPointer

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>

Definition at line 88 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ CoordinateType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::CoordinateType = typename PointType::CoordinateType

Definition at line 154 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ DerivativeValueType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::DerivativeValueType = typename DerivativeType::ValueType

Definition at line 170 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ DisplacementFieldTransformType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::DisplacementFieldTransformType = typename Superclass::MovingDisplacementFieldTransformType

Definition at line 121 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ FixedPixelType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::FixedPixelType = typename TFixedPointSet::PixelType

Definition at line 131 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ FixedPointsContainer

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::FixedPointsContainer = typename TFixedPointSet::PointsContainer

Definition at line 132 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ FixedPointSetType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::FixedPointSetType = TFixedPointSet

Type of the fixed point set.

Definition at line 129 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ FixedPointType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::FixedPointType = typename TFixedPointSet::PointType

Definition at line 130 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ FixedTransformedPointSetType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::FixedTransformedPointSetType = PointSet<FixedPixelType, Self::PointDimension>

Definition at line 167 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ LocalDerivativeType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::LocalDerivativeType = FixedArray<DerivativeValueType, Self::PointDimension>

Definition at line 171 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ MovingPixelType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::MovingPixelType = typename TMovingPointSet::PixelType

Definition at line 139 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ MovingPointsContainer

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::MovingPointsContainer = typename TMovingPointSet::PointsContainer

Definition at line 140 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ MovingPointSetType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::MovingPointSetType = TMovingPointSet

Type of the moving point set.

Definition at line 137 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ MovingPointType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::MovingPointType = typename TMovingPointSet::PointType

Definition at line 138 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ MovingTransformedPointSetType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::MovingTransformedPointSetType = PointSet<MovingPixelType, Self::PointDimension>

Definition at line 168 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ NeighborsIdentifierType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::NeighborsIdentifierType = typename PointsLocatorType::NeighborsIdentifierType

Definition at line 165 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ ObjectType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::ObjectType = typename Superclass::ObjectType

Definition at line 123 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ PixelType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PixelType = FixedPixelType

Definition at line 153 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ Pointer

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>

Definition at line 87 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ PointIdentifier

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointIdentifier = typename PointsContainer::ElementIdentifier

Definition at line 161 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ PointIdentifierPair

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointIdentifierPair = std::pair<PointIdentifier, PointIdentifier>

Definition at line 484 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ PointIdentifierRanges

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointIdentifierRanges = std::vector<PointIdentifierPair>

Definition at line 485 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ PointsConstIterator

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointsConstIterator = typename PointsContainer::ConstIterator

Definition at line 160 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ PointsContainer

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointsContainer = FixedPointsContainer

Definition at line 159 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ PointsLocatorType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointsLocatorType = PointsLocator<PointsContainer>

Typedef for points locator class to speed up finding neighboring points

Definition at line 164 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ PointType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointType = FixedPointType

Definition at line 152 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ Self

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::Self = PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4

Standard class type aliases.

Definition at line 82 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ Superclass

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::Superclass = ObjectToObjectMetric<TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image<TInternalComputationValueType, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension>, TInternalComputationValueType>

Definition at line 83 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ VirtualImageType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::VirtualImageType = typename Superclass::VirtualImageType

Types for the virtual domain

Definition at line 174 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ VirtualOriginType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::VirtualOriginType = typename Superclass::VirtualPointType

Definition at line 180 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ VirtualRadiusType

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
using itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::VirtualRadiusType = typename Superclass::VirtualSizeType

Definition at line 183 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4 ( )

◆ ~PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::~PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4 ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CalculateNumberOfValidFixedPoints()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual SizeValueType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::CalculateNumberOfValidFixedPoints ( ) const

Determine the number of valid fixed points. A fixed point is valid if, when transformed into the virtual domain using the inverse of the FixedTransform, it is within the defined virtual domain bounds.

◆ CalculateValueAndDerivative()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::CalculateValueAndDerivative ( MeasureType calculatedValue,
DerivativeType derivative,
bool  calculateValue 
) const

Helper method allows for code reuse while skipping the metric value calculation when appropriate

◆ CalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpaceOn()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::CalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpaceOn ( )

◆ CreateRanges()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
const PointIdentifierRanges itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::CreateRanges ( ) const

◆ GetCalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpace()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetCalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpace ( ) const

◆ GetDerivative()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetDerivative ( DerivativeType ) const

This method returns the derivative based on the current transformation(s). This function can be redefined in derived classes but many point set metrics follow the same structure—one iterates through the points and, for each point a derivative is calculated. The set of all these local derivatives constitutes the total derivative. Note that this might not be applicable to all point set metrics. For those cases, the developer will have to redefine the GetDerivative() function.

Implements itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >.

◆ GetFixedPointSet()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual const FixedPointSetType * itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetFixedPointSet ( ) const

Get/Set the fixed pointset.

◆ GetLocalNeighborhoodDerivativeWithIndex()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual LocalDerivativeType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetLocalNeighborhoodDerivativeWithIndex ( const PointIdentifier ,
const PointType ,
const PixelType pixel 
) const

Function to be defined in the appropriate derived classes. Calculates the local metric value for a single point. The PixelType may or may not be used. See class description for further explanation. Default implementation calls GetLocalNeighborhoodValueAndDerivative.

Reimplemented in itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >, itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TFixedPointSet, double >, and itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TPointSet, TPointSet, double >.

◆ GetLocalNeighborhoodValueAndDerivativeWithIndex()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetLocalNeighborhoodValueAndDerivativeWithIndex ( const PointIdentifier ,
const PointType ,
MeasureType ,
LocalDerivativeType ,
const PixelType pixel 
) const
protectedpure virtual

Function to be defined in the appropriate derived classes. Calculates the local metric value for a single point. The PixelType may or may not be used. See class description for further explanation.

Implemented in itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >, itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TFixedPointSet, double >, and itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TPointSet, TPointSet, double >.

◆ GetLocalNeighborhoodValueWithIndex()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual MeasureType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetLocalNeighborhoodValueWithIndex ( const PointIdentifier ,
const PointType ,
const PixelType pixel 
) const
protectedpure virtual

Function to be defined in the appropriate derived classes. Calculates the local metric value for a single point. The PixelType may or may not be used. See class description for further explanation.

Implemented in itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >, itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TFixedPointSet, TFixedPointSet, double >, and itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricv4< TPointSet, TPointSet, double >.

◆ GetMetricCategory()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
MetricCategoryType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetMetricCategory ( ) const

Get metric category

Reimplemented from itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >.

Definition at line 422 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ GetModifiableFixedTransformedPointSet()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual FixedTransformedPointSetType * itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetModifiableFixedTransformedPointSet ( )

Get the fixed transformed point set.

◆ GetModifiableMovingTransformedPointSet()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual MovingTransformedPointSetType * itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetModifiableMovingTransformedPointSet ( )

Get the moving transformed point set.

◆ GetMovingPointSet()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual const MovingPointSetType * itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetMovingPointSet ( ) const

Get/Set the moving point set.

◆ GetNameOfClass()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
const char * itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetNameOfClass ( ) const
See also

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

◆ GetNumberOfComponents()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
SizeValueType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetNumberOfComponents ( ) const

For now return the number of points used in the value/derivative calculations.

◆ GetStoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransforms()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetStoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransforms ( ) const

By default, the point set metric derivative for a displacement field transform is stored by saving the gradient for every voxel in the displacement field (see the function StorePointDerivative()). Since the "fixed points" will typically constitute a sparse set, this means that the field will have zero gradient values at every voxel that doesn't have a corresponding point. This might cause additional computation time for certain transforms (e.g. B-spline SyN). To avoid this, this option permits storing the point derivative only at the fixed point locations. If this variable is set to false, then the derivative array will be of length = PointDimension * m_FixedPointSet->GetNumberOfPoints().

◆ GetValue()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
MeasureType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetValue ( ) const

This method returns the value of the metric based on the current transformation(s). This function can be redefined in derived classes but many point set metrics follow the same structure—one iterates through the points and, for each point a metric value is calculated. The summation of these individual point metric values gives the total value of the metric. Note that this might not be applicable to all point set metrics. For those cases, the developer will have to redefine the GetValue() function.

Implements itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >.

◆ GetValueAndDerivative()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetValueAndDerivative ( MeasureType ,
) const

This method returns the derivative and value based on the current transformation(s). This function can be redefined in derived classes but many point set metrics follow the same structure—one iterates through the points and, for each point a derivative and value is calculated. The set of all these local derivatives/values constitutes the total derivative and value. Note that this might not be applicable to all point set metrics. For those cases, the developer will have to redefine the GetValue() and GetDerivative() functions.

Implements itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >.

◆ GetVirtualTransformedPointSet()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
const VirtualPointSetType * itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::GetVirtualTransformedPointSet ( ) const

Get the virtual point set, derived from the fixed point set. If the virtual point set has not yet been derived, it will be in this call.

◆ Initialize()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::Initialize ( )

Initialize the metric by making sure that all the components are present and plugged together correctly.

Implements itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate< double >.

◆ InitializeForIteration()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::InitializeForIteration ( ) const

Initialize to prepare for a particular iteration, generally an iteration of optimization. Distinct from Initialize() which is a one-time initialization.

◆ InitializePointSets()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::InitializePointSets ( ) const

Prepare point sets for use.

◆ InitializePointsLocators()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::InitializePointsLocators ( ) const

Build point locators for the fixed and moving point sets to speed up derivative and value calculations.

◆ PrintSelf()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
Indent  indent 
) const

Methods invoked by Print() to print information about the object including superclasses. Typically not called by the user (use Print() instead) but used in the hierarchical print process to combine the output of several classes.

Reimplemented from itk::Object.

◆ RequiresFixedPointsLocator()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::RequiresFixedPointsLocator ( ) const

◆ RequiresMovingPointsLocator()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::RequiresMovingPointsLocator ( ) const

◆ SetCalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpace()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::SetCalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpace ( bool  _arg)

◆ SetFixedObject()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::SetFixedObject ( const ObjectType object)

Set fixed point set

Definition at line 190 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ SetFixedPointSet()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::SetFixedPointSet ( const FixedPointSetType _arg)

Get/Set the fixed pointset.

◆ SetMovingObject()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::SetMovingObject ( const ObjectType object)

Set moving point set

Definition at line 206 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ SetMovingPointSet()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::SetMovingPointSet ( const MovingPointSetType _arg)

Get/Set the moving point set.

◆ SetStoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransforms()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::SetStoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransforms ( bool  _arg)

By default, the point set metric derivative for a displacement field transform is stored by saving the gradient for every voxel in the displacement field (see the function StorePointDerivative()). Since the "fixed points" will typically constitute a sparse set, this means that the field will have zero gradient values at every voxel that doesn't have a corresponding point. This might cause additional computation time for certain transforms (e.g. B-spline SyN). To avoid this, this option permits storing the point derivative only at the fixed point locations. If this variable is set to false, then the derivative array will be of length = PointDimension * m_FixedPointSet->GetNumberOfPoints().

◆ StoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransformsOn()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
virtual void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::StoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransformsOn ( )

By default, the point set metric derivative for a displacement field transform is stored by saving the gradient for every voxel in the displacement field (see the function StorePointDerivative()). Since the "fixed points" will typically constitute a sparse set, this means that the field will have zero gradient values at every voxel that doesn't have a corresponding point. This might cause additional computation time for certain transforms (e.g. B-spline SyN). To avoid this, this option permits storing the point derivative only at the fixed point locations. If this variable is set to false, then the derivative array will be of length = PointDimension * m_FixedPointSet->GetNumberOfPoints().

◆ StorePointDerivative()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::StorePointDerivative ( const VirtualPointType ,
const DerivativeType ,
) const

Store a derivative from a single point in a field. Only relevant when active transform has local support.

◆ SupportsArbitraryVirtualDomainSamples()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::SupportsArbitraryVirtualDomainSamples ( ) const

Returns a flag. True if arbitrary virtual domain points will always correspond to data points. False if not. For example, point-set metrics return false because only some virtual domain points will correspond to points within the point sets.

Implements itk::ObjectToObjectMetric< TFixedPointSet::PointDimension, TMovingPointSet::PointDimension, Image< double, TFixedPointSet::PointDimension >, double >.

Definition at line 296 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ TransformFixedAndCreateVirtualPointSet()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::TransformFixedAndCreateVirtualPointSet ( ) const

Warp the fixed point set into the moving domain based on the fixed transform, passing through the virtual domain and storing a virtual domain set. Note that the warped moving point set is of type FixedPointSetType since the transform takes the points from the fixed to the moving domain.

◆ TransformMovingPointSet()

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
void itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::TransformMovingPointSet ( ) const

Warp the moving point set based on the moving transform. Note that the warped moving point set is of type FixedPointSetType since the transform takes the points from the moving to the fixed domain. FIXME: needs update.

Member Data Documentation

◆ FixedPointDimension

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
constexpr DimensionType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::FixedPointDimension = Superclass::FixedDimension

Definition at line 134 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_CalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpace

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_CalculateValueAndDerivativeInTangentSpace {}

Flag to calculate value and/or derivative at tangent space. This is needed for the diffeomorphic registration methods. The fixed and moving points are warped to the virtual domain where the metric is calculated. Derived point set metrics might have associated gradient information which will need to be warped if this flag is true. Default = false.

Definition at line 359 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_FixedPointSet

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
FixedPointSetType::ConstPointer itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_FixedPointSet {}

Definition at line 333 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_FixedTransformedPointSet

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
FixedTransformedPointSetType::Pointer itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_FixedTransformedPointSet {}

Definition at line 334 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_FixedTransformedPointSetTime

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
ModifiedTimeType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_FixedTransformedPointSetTime {}

Definition at line 481 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_FixedTransformedPointsLocator

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
PointsLocatorType::Pointer itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_FixedTransformedPointsLocator {}

Definition at line 336 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_FixedTransformPointLocatorsNeedInitialization

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_FixedTransformPointLocatorsNeedInitialization {}

Definition at line 470 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_HaveWarnedAboutNumberOfValidPoints

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_HaveWarnedAboutNumberOfValidPoints {}

Definition at line 474 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_MovingPointSet

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
MovingPointSetType::ConstPointer itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_MovingPointSet {}

Definition at line 338 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_MovingTransformedPointSet

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
MovingTransformedPointSetType::Pointer itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_MovingTransformedPointSet {}

Definition at line 339 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_MovingTransformedPointSetTime

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
ModifiedTimeType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_MovingTransformedPointSetTime {}

Definition at line 480 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_MovingTransformedPointsLocator

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
PointsLocatorType::Pointer itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_MovingTransformedPointsLocator {}

Definition at line 341 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_MovingTransformPointLocatorsNeedInitialization

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_MovingTransformPointLocatorsNeedInitialization {}

Definition at line 469 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_StoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransforms

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_StoreDerivativeAsSparseFieldForLocalSupportTransforms {}

Definition at line 478 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_UsePointSetData

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
bool itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_UsePointSetData {}

Bool set by derived classes on whether the point set data (i.e. PixelType) should be used. Default = false.

Definition at line 350 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ m_VirtualTransformedPointSet

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
VirtualPointSetPointer itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::m_VirtualTransformedPointSet {}

Holds the fixed points after transformation into virtual domain.

Definition at line 344 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ MovingPointDimension

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
constexpr DimensionType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::MovingPointDimension = Superclass::MovingDimension

Definition at line 142 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

◆ PointDimension

template<typename TFixedPointSet , typename TMovingPointSet = TFixedPointSet, class TInternalComputationValueType = double>
constexpr DimensionType itk::PointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TInternalComputationValueType >::PointDimension = Superclass::FixedDimension

typedefs for the data types used in the point set metric calculations. It is assumed that the constants of the fixed point set, such as the point dimension, are the same for the "common space" in which the metric calculation occurs.

Definition at line 150 of file itkPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4.h.

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