template<typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
class itk::RelabelComponentImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
Relabel the components in an image such that consecutive labels are used.
RelabelComponentImageFilter remaps the labels associated with the objects in an image (as from the output of ConnectedComponentImageFilter) such that the label numbers are consecutive with no gaps between the label numbers used. By default, the relabeling will also sort the labels based on the size of the object: the largest object will have label #1, the second largest will have label #2, etc. If two labels have the same size their initial order is kept. The sorting by size can be disabled using SetSortByObjectSize.
Label #0 is assumed to be the background and is left unaltered by the relabeling.
RelabelComponentImageFilter is typically used on the output of the ConnectedComponentImageFilter for those applications that want to extract the largest object or the "k" largest objects. Any particular object can be extracted from the relabeled output using a BinaryThresholdImageFilter. A group of objects can be extracted from the relabeled output using a ThresholdImageFilter.
Once all the objects are relabeled, the application can query the number of objects and the size of each object. Object sizes are returned in a vector. The size of the background is not calculated. So the size of object #1 is GetSizeOfObjectsInPixels()[0], the size of object #2 is GetSizeOfObjectsInPixels()[1], etc.
If user sets a minimum object size, all objects with fewer pixels than the minimum will be discarded, so that the number of objects reported will be only those remaining. The GetOriginalNumberOfObjects method can be called to find out how many objects were present before the small ones were discarded.
RelabelComponentImageFilter can be run as an "in place" filter, where it will overwrite its output. The default is run out of place (or generate a separate output). "In place" operation can be controlled via methods in the superclass, InPlaceImageFilter::InPlaceOn() and InPlaceImageFilter::InPlaceOff().
- See also
- ConnectedComponentImageFilter, BinaryThresholdImageFilter, ThresholdImageFilter
- ITK Sphinx Examples:
- Examples
- Examples/Segmentation/RelabelComponentImageFilter.cxx.
Definition at line 82 of file itkRelabelComponentImageFilter.h.
void | GenerateData () override |
void | GenerateInputRequestedRegion () override |
void | ParallelComputeLabels (const RegionType &inputRegionForThread) |
void | PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override |
| RelabelComponentImageFilter () |
| ~RelabelComponentImageFilter () override=default |
virtual bool | GetRunningInPlace () const |
virtual bool | GetRunningInPlace () const |
| InPlaceImageFilter ()=default |
| InPlaceImageFilter ()=default |
void | ReleaseInputs () override |
void | ReleaseInputs () override |
| ~InPlaceImageFilter () override=default |
| ~InPlaceImageFilter () override=default |
void | AllocateOutputs () override |
void | AllocateOutputs () override |
virtual void | CallCopyInputRegionToOutputRegion (OutputImageRegionType &destRegion, const InputImageRegionType &srcRegion) |
virtual void | CallCopyOutputRegionToInputRegion (InputImageRegionType &destRegion, const OutputImageRegionType &srcRegion) |
| ImageToImageFilter () |
void | VerifyInputInformation () const override |
| ~ImageToImageFilter () override=default |
virtual void | AfterThreadedGenerateData () |
virtual void | BeforeThreadedGenerateData () |
void | ClassicMultiThread (ThreadFunctionType callbackFunction) |
virtual const ImageRegionSplitterBase * | GetImageRegionSplitter () const |
| ImageSource () |
virtual unsigned int | SplitRequestedRegion (unsigned int i, unsigned int pieces, OutputImageRegionType &splitRegion) |
| ~ImageSource () override=default |
virtual void | ThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType ®ion, ThreadIdType threadId) |
virtual void | DynamicThreadedGenerateData (const OutputImageRegionType &outputRegionForThread) |
virtual bool | GetDynamicMultiThreading () const |
virtual void | SetDynamicMultiThreading (bool _arg) |
virtual void | DynamicMultiThreadingOn () |
virtual void | DynamicMultiThreadingOff () |
virtual void | AddInput (DataObject *input) |
void | AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
void | AddOptionalInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
virtual void | AddOutput (DataObject *output) |
bool | AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
bool | AddRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &, DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
virtual void | CacheInputReleaseDataFlags () |
virtual void | GenerateOutputInformation () |
virtual void | GenerateOutputRequestedRegion (DataObject *output) |
DataObject * | GetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
const DataObject * | GetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const |
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType & | GetNumberOfRequiredInputs () const |
virtual const DataObjectPointerArraySizeType & | GetNumberOfRequiredOutputs () const |
bool | IsIndexedInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
bool | IsIndexedOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
bool | IsRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) const |
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType | MakeIndexFromInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const |
DataObjectPointerArraySizeType | MakeIndexFromOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name) const |
DataObjectIdentifierType | MakeNameFromInputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
DataObjectIdentifierType | MakeNameFromOutputIndex (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
| ProcessObject () |
virtual void | PropagateResetPipeline () |
virtual void | PushBackInput (const DataObject *input) |
virtual void | PushFrontInput (const DataObject *input) |
virtual void | RemoveInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual void | RemoveInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType) |
virtual void | RemoveOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual void | RemoveOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
bool | RemoveRequiredInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &) |
virtual void | RestoreInputReleaseDataFlags () |
virtual void | SetInput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key, DataObject *input) |
virtual void | SetNthInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *input) |
virtual void | SetNthOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx, DataObject *output) |
void | SetNumberOfIndexedInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num) |
void | SetNumberOfIndexedOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType num) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRequiredInputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType) |
virtual void | SetNumberOfRequiredOutputs (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType _arg) |
virtual void | SetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &name, DataObject *output) |
virtual void | SetPrimaryInput (DataObject *object) |
virtual void | SetPrimaryOutput (DataObject *object) |
void | SetRequiredInputNames (const NameArray &) |
virtual void | VerifyPreconditions () const |
| ~ProcessObject () override |
DataObject * | GetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) |
const DataObject * | GetInput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType idx) const |
DataObject * | GetPrimaryInput () |
const DataObject * | GetPrimaryInput () const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryInputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual const char * | GetPrimaryInputName () const |
DataObject * | GetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
const DataObject * | GetOutput (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) const |
virtual void | SetPrimaryOutputName (const DataObjectIdentifierType &key) |
virtual const char * | GetPrimaryOutputName () const |
DataObject * | GetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) |
const DataObject * | GetOutput (DataObjectPointerArraySizeType i) const |
DataObject * | GetPrimaryOutput () |
const DataObject * | GetPrimaryOutput () const |
virtual bool | GetThreaderUpdateProgress () const |
virtual void | ThreaderUpdateProgressOn () |
virtual void | ThreaderUpdateProgressOff () |
virtual void | SetThreaderUpdateProgress (bool arg) |
| Object () |
bool | PrintObservers (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | SetTimeStamp (const TimeStamp &timeStamp) |
| ~Object () override |
virtual LightObject::Pointer | InternalClone () const |
| LightObject () |
virtual void | PrintHeader (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const |
virtual | ~LightObject () |