
A MeshType describes the type of an Mesh. It is a JSON object with the following attributes:

  • dimension: The spatial dimension of the mesh.

  • pointComponentType: The type of the components used to represent a point. This is one of the FloatTypes.

  • pointPixelComponentType: The type of the components used to represent the data at a point. This is one of the IntTypes or FloatTypes.

  • pointPixelType: The PixelType for data associated with a point. For example, Scalar, Vector, CovariantVector, or SymmetricSecondRankTensor.

  • pointPixelComponents: The number of components in a point pixel. For a Scalar pixelType, this will be 1.

  • cellComponentType: The type of the components used to represent a cell. This is one of the IntTypes.

  • cellPixelComponentType: The type of the components used to represent the data at a cell. This is one of the IntTypes or FloatTypes.

  • cellPixelType: The PixelType for data associated with a cell. For example, Scalar, Vector, CovariantVector, or SymmetricSecondRankTensor.

  • cellPixelComponents: The number of components in a cell pixel. For a Scalar pixelType, this will be 1.