ITK 6.0.0
Insight Toolkit
No Matches
itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder > Class Template Reference

#include <itkBSplineTransform.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
class itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >

Deformable transform using a BSpline representation.

This class encapsulates a deformable transform of points from one N-dimensional space to another N-dimensional space. The deformation field is modeled using B-splines. A deformation is defined on a sparse regular grid of control points \( \vec{\lambda}_j \) and is varied by defining a deformation \( \vec{g}(\vec{\lambda}_j) \) of each control point. The deformation \( D(\vec{x}) \) at any point \( \vec{x} \) is obtained by using a B-spline interpolation kernel.

The deformation field grid is defined by a user specified transform domain (origin, physical dimensions, direction) and B-spline mesh size where the mesh size is the number of polynomial patches comprising the finite domain of support. The relationship between the mesh size ( number of polynomial pieces) and the number of control points in any given dimension is

mesh size = number of control points - spline order

Each grid/control point has associated with it N deformation coefficients \( \vec{\delta}_j \), representing the N directional components of the deformation. Deformation outside the grid plus support region for the BSpline interpolation is assumed to be zero.

The parameters for this transform is N x N-D grid of spline coefficients. The user specifies the parameters as one flat array: each N-D grid is represented by an array in the same way an N-D image is represented in the buffer; the N arrays are then concatenated together to form a single array.

The following illustrates the typical usage of this class:

using TransformType = BSplineTransform<double,2,3>;
auto transform = TransformType::New();
transform->SetTransformDomainOrigin( origin );
transform->SetTransformDomainPhysicalDimensions( physicalDimensions );
transform->SetTransformDomainDirection( direction );
transform->SetTransformDomainMeshSize( meshSize );
// NB: The region must be set first before setting the parameters
TransformType::ParametersType parameters( transform->GetNumberOfParameters() );
// Fill the parameters with values
transform->SetParameters( parameters )
outputPoint = transform->TransformPoint( inputPoint );

An alternative way to set the B-spline coefficients is via array of images. The fixed parameters of the transform are taken directly from the first image. It is assumed that the subsequent images are the same buffered region. The following illustrates the API:

TransformType::ImageConstPointer images[2];
// Fill the images up with values
transform->SetCoefficientImages( images );
outputPoint = transform->TransformPoint( inputPoint );
*par Constraints *The filter image with at least two dimensions and a vector *length of at least The theory supports extension to scalar images
Use either the SetParameters() or SetCoefficientImages() API. Mixing the two modes may results in unexpected results.

The class is templated coordinate representation type (float or double), the space dimension and the spline order.

Examples/IO/TransformReadWrite.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/BSplineWarping1.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/BSplineWarping2.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration12.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration13.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration14.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration15.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration4.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration6.cxx, Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration7.cxx, and Examples/RegistrationITKv4/DeformableRegistration8.cxx.

Definition at line 103 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

+ Inheritance diagram for itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >:
+ Collaboration diagram for itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >:

Public Types

using ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed< ParametersValueType, VInputDimension, VOutputDimension > InverseJacobianPositionType
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed< ParametersValueType, VOutputDimension, VInputDimension > JacobianPositionType
typedef Array2D< ParametersValueTypeJacobianType
using PhysicalDimensionsType = typename Superclass::SpacingType
using Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>
typedef ParametersValueType ScalarType
using Self = BSplineTransform
using Superclass = BSplineBaseTransform<TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder>
- Public Types inherited from itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >
using CoefficientImageArray
using ConstPointer
using ContinuousIndexType
typedef Array< ParametersValueTypeDerivativeType
using DerivativeType
using DirectionType
using ImagePointer
using ImageType
using IndexType
using InputCovariantVectorType
using InputPointType
using InputVectorType
using InputVnlVectorType
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed< ParametersValueType, VInputDimension, VOutputDimension > InverseJacobianPositionType
using InverseJacobianPositionType
typedef vnl_matrix_fixed< ParametersValueType, VOutputDimension, VInputDimension > JacobianPositionType
using JacobianPositionType
typedef Array2D< ParametersValueTypeJacobianType
using JacobianType
using MeshSizeType
using OriginType
using OutputCovariantVectorType
using OutputPointType
using OutputVectorType
using OutputVnlVectorType
using ParameterIndexArrayType
using ParametersValueType
using PhysicalDimensionsType
using PixelType
using Pointer
using RegionType
typedef ParametersValueType ScalarType
using ScalarType
using Self
using SizeType
using SpacingType
using Superclass
using WeightsFunctionType
using WeightsType
- Public Types inherited from itk::Transform< double, VDimension, VDimension >
using ConstPointer
using DerivativeType
using DirectionChangeMatrix
typedef OptimizerParameters< FixedParametersValueTypeFixedParametersType
using FixedParametersType
typedef double FixedParametersValueType
using FixedParametersValueType
using InputCovariantVectorType
using InputDiffusionTensor3DType
using InputDirectionMatrix
using InputPointType
using InputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType
using InputVectorPixelType
using InputVectorType
using InputVnlVectorType
using InverseJacobianPositionType
using InverseTransformBasePointer
using InverseTransformBaseType
using JacobianPositionType
using JacobianType
using MatrixType
typedef IdentifierType NumberOfParametersType
using NumberOfParametersType
using OutputCovariantVectorType
using OutputDiffusionTensor3DType
using OutputDirectionMatrix
using OutputPointType
using OutputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType
using OutputVectorPixelType
using OutputVectorType
using OutputVnlVectorType
typedef OptimizerParameters< ParametersValueTypeParametersType
using ParametersType
typedef double ParametersValueType
using ParametersValueType
using Pointer
using ScalarType
using Self
using Superclass
typedef TransformBaseTemplateEnums::TransformCategory TransformCategoryEnum
using TransformCategoryEnum
- Public Types inherited from TransformBaseTemplate< double >
using ConstPointer
using FixedParametersType
using FixedParametersValueType
using NumberOfParametersType
using ParametersType
using ParametersValueType
using Pointer
using Self
using Superclass
using TransformCategoryEnum
using TransformCategoryType

Public Member Functions

void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters (const InputPointType &, JacobianType &) const override
virtual::itk::LightObject::Pointer CreateAnother () const
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
NumberOfParametersType GetNumberOfParameters () const override
NumberOfParametersType GetNumberOfParametersPerDimension () const override
virtual DirectionType GetTransformDomainDirection () const
virtual MeshSizeType GetTransformDomainMeshSize () const
virtual OriginType GetTransformDomainOrigin () const
virtual PhysicalDimensionsType GetTransformDomainPhysicalDimensions () const
std::string GetTransformTypeAsString () const override
void SetCoefficientImages (const CoefficientImageArray &images) override
virtual void SetTransformDomainDirection (const DirectionType &)
virtual void SetTransformDomainMeshSize (const MeshSizeType &)
virtual void SetTransformDomainOrigin (const OriginType &)
virtual void SetTransformDomainPhysicalDimensions (const PhysicalDimensionsType &)
void SetFixedParameters (const FixedParametersType &passedParameters) override
void TransformPoint (const InputPointType &point, OutputPointType &outputPoint, WeightsType &weights, ParameterIndexArrayType &indices, bool &inside) const override
OutputPointType TransformPoint (const InputPointType &point) const override
virtual void TransformPoint (const InputPointType &inputPoint, OutputPointType &outputPoint, WeightsType &weights, ParameterIndexArrayType &indices, bool &inside) const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >
void ComputeJacobianFromBSplineWeightsWithRespectToPosition (const InputPointType &, WeightsType &, ParameterIndexArrayType &) const
void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters (const InputPointType &, JacobianType &) const override=0
void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition (const InputPointType &, JacobianPositionType &) const override
virtual void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition (const InputPointType &x, JacobianPositionType &jacobian) const
virtual void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition (const InputPointType &x, JacobianPositionType &jacobian) const
const CoefficientImageArray GetCoefficientImages () const
const FixedParametersTypeGetFixedParameters () const override
unsigned int GetNumberOfAffectedWeights () const
NumberOfParametersType GetNumberOfLocalParameters () const override
const ParametersTypeGetParameters () const override
TransformCategoryEnum GetTransformCategory () const override
 itkCloneMacro (Self)
 itkLegacyMacro (unsigned long GetNumberOfWeights() const)
 itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (BSplineBaseTransform)
void SetIdentity ()
void SetParameters (const ParametersType &parameters) override
void SetParametersByValue (const ParametersType &parameters) override
virtual OutputCovariantVectorType TransformCovariantVector (const InputCovariantVectorType &) const
virtual OutputCovariantVectorType TransformCovariantVector (const InputCovariantVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformCovariantVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformCovariantVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual void TransformPoint (const InputPointType &inputPoint, OutputPointType &outputPoint, WeightsType &weights, ParameterIndexArrayType &indices, bool &inside) const=0
OutputPointType TransformPoint (const InputPointType &point) const override
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVectorType TransformVector (const InputVectorType &) const
virtual OutputVectorType TransformVector (const InputVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVnlVectorType TransformVector (const InputVnlVectorType &) const
OutputVnlVectorType TransformVector (const InputVnlVectorType &) const override
virtual OutputVnlVectorType TransformVector (const InputVnlVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
void UpdateTransformParameters (const DerivativeType &update, double factor=1.0) override
OutputVectorType TransformVector (const InputVectorType &) const override
virtual OutputVectorType TransformVector (const InputVectorType &) const
virtual OutputVectorType TransformVector (const InputVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVnlVectorType TransformVector (const InputVnlVectorType &) const
virtual OutputVnlVectorType TransformVector (const InputVnlVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
OutputCovariantVectorType TransformCovariantVector (const InputCovariantVectorType &) const override
virtual OutputCovariantVectorType TransformCovariantVector (const InputCovariantVectorType &) const
virtual OutputCovariantVectorType TransformCovariantVector (const InputCovariantVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformCovariantVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformCovariantVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from itk::Transform< double, VDimension, VDimension >
virtual void ComputeInverseJacobianWithRespectToPosition (const InputPointType &pnt, InverseJacobianPositionType &jacobian) const
virtual void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParametersCachedTemporaries (const InputPointType &p, JacobianType &jacobian, JacobianType &cachedJacobian) const
virtual void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToPosition (const InputPointType &x, JacobianPositionType &jacobian) const
void CopyInFixedParameters (const FixedParametersValueType *const begin, const FixedParametersValueType *const end) override
void CopyInParameters (const ParametersValueType *const begin, const ParametersValueType *const end) override
const FixedParametersTypeGetFixedParameters () const override
unsigned int GetInputSpaceDimension () const override
bool GetInverse (Self *inverseTransform) const
virtual InverseTransformBasePointer GetInverseTransform () const
const char * GetNameOfClass () const override
virtual NumberOfParametersType GetNumberOfFixedParameters () const
NumberOfParametersType GetNumberOfParameters () const override
unsigned int GetOutputSpaceDimension () const override
const ParametersTypeGetParameters () const override
TransformCategoryEnum GetTransformCategory () const override
std::string GetTransformTypeAsString () const override
virtual bool IsLinear () const
 itkCloneMacro (Self)
void SetParametersByValue (const ParametersType &p) override
virtual OutputCovariantVectorType TransformCovariantVector (const InputCovariantVectorType &) const
virtual OutputCovariantVectorType TransformCovariantVector (const InputCovariantVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformCovariantVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformCovariantVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputDiffusionTensor3DType TransformDiffusionTensor3D (const InputDiffusionTensor3DType &inputTensor, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputDiffusionTensor3DType TransformDiffusionTensor3D (const InputDiffusionTensor3DType &tensor) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformDiffusionTensor3D (const InputVectorPixelType &inputTensor, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformDiffusionTensor3D (const InputVectorPixelType &tensor) const
virtual OutputPointType TransformPoint (const InputPointType &) const=0
virtual OutputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType TransformSymmetricSecondRankTensor (const InputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType &inputTensor, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType TransformSymmetricSecondRankTensor (const InputSymmetricSecondRankTensorType &tensor) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformSymmetricSecondRankTensor (const InputVectorPixelType &inputTensor, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformSymmetricSecondRankTensor (const InputVectorPixelType &tensor) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector) const
virtual OutputVectorPixelType TransformVector (const InputVectorPixelType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVectorType TransformVector (const InputVectorType &) const
virtual OutputVectorType TransformVector (const InputVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual OutputVnlVectorType TransformVector (const InputVnlVectorType &) const
virtual OutputVnlVectorType TransformVector (const InputVnlVectorType &vector, const InputPointType &point) const
virtual void ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters (const InputPointType &p, JacobianType &jacobian) const=0
std::enable_if_t< TImage::ImageDimension==VInputDimension &&TImage::ImageDimension==VOutputDimension, void > ApplyToImageMetadata (TImage *image) const
std::enable_if_t< TImage::ImageDimension==VInputDimension &&TImage::ImageDimension==VOutputDimension, void > ApplyToImageMetadata (SmartPointer< TImage > image) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from TransformBaseTemplate< double >
 ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (TransformBaseTemplate)
 ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_MOVE (TransformBaseTemplate)
 itkGetConstReferenceMacro (InputSpaceName, std::string)
 itkGetConstReferenceMacro (InputSpaceName, std::string)
 itkGetConstReferenceMacro (OutputSpaceName, std::string)
 itkGetConstReferenceMacro (OutputSpaceName, std::string)
 itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (TransformBaseTemplate)
 itkOverrideGetNameOfClassMacro (TransformBaseTemplate)
 itkSetMacro (InputSpaceName, std::string)
 itkSetMacro (InputSpaceName, std::string)
 itkSetMacro (OutputSpaceName, std::string)
 itkSetMacro (OutputSpaceName, std::string)
virtual void SetFixedParameters (const FixedParametersType &)=0
virtual void SetFixedParameters (const FixedParametersType &)=0
virtual void SetParameters (const ParametersType &)=0
virtual void SetParameters (const ParametersType &)=0
virtual void SetParametersByValue (const ParametersType &p)=0
virtual void SetParametersByValue (const ParametersType &p)=0

Static Public Member Functions

static Pointer New ()

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int SpaceDimension = VDimension
static constexpr unsigned int SplineOrder = VSplineOrder
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >
static constexpr unsigned int NumberOfWeights
static constexpr unsigned int SpaceDimension
static constexpr unsigned int SplineOrder
- Static Public Attributes inherited from itk::Transform< double, VDimension, VDimension >
static constexpr unsigned int InputSpaceDimension
static constexpr unsigned int OutputSpaceDimension
- Static Public Attributes inherited from TransformBaseTemplate< double >
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum BSpline
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum BSpline
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum DisplacementField
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum DisplacementField
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum Linear
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum Linear
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum Spline
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum Spline
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum UnknownTransformCategory
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum UnknownTransformCategory
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum VelocityField
static constexpr TransformCategoryEnum VelocityField

Protected Member Functions

 BSplineTransform ()
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
 ~BSplineTransform () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >
 BSplineBaseTransform ()=default
virtual bool InsideValidRegion (ContinuousIndexType &) const=0
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const override
void SetFixedParametersFromTransformDomainInformation () const
void WrapAsImages ()
 ~BSplineBaseTransform () override=default
 itkSetObjectMacro (WeightsFunction, WeightsFunctionType)
 itkGetModifiableObjectMacro (WeightsFunction, WeightsFunctionType)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Transform< double, VDimension, VDimension >
LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const override
OutputDiffusionTensor3DType PreservationOfPrincipalDirectionDiffusionTensor3DReorientation (const InputDiffusionTensor3DType &, const InverseJacobianPositionType &) const
 Transform ()=default
 Transform (NumberOfParametersType numberOfParameters)
 ~Transform () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TransformBaseTemplate< double >
 TransformBaseTemplate ()=default
 TransformBaseTemplate ()=default
 ~TransformBaseTemplate () override=default
 ~TransformBaseTemplate () override=default

Private Member Functions

bool InsideValidRegion (ContinuousIndexType &) const override
void SetCoefficientImageInformationFromFixedParameters () override
void SetFixedParametersFromCoefficientImageInformation ()
void SetFixedParametersFromTransformDomainInformation (const OriginType &meshOrigin, const PhysicalDimensionsType &meshPhysical, const DirectionType &meshDirection, const MeshSizeType &meshSize)
void SetFixedParametersGridSizeFromTransformDomainInformation () const override
void SetFixedParametersGridOriginFromTransformDomainInformation () const override
void SetFixedParametersGridSpacingFromTransformDomainInformation () const override
void SetFixedParametersGridDirectionFromTransformDomainInformation () const override

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from itk::Transform< double, VDimension, VDimension >
static InverseTransformBasePointer InvertTransform (const TTransform &transform)
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >
CoefficientImageArray m_CoefficientImages
ParametersType m_InternalParametersBuffer
WeightsFunctionType::Pointer m_WeightsFunction
- Protected Attributes inherited from itk::Transform< double, VDimension, VDimension >
FixedParametersType m_FixedParameters
ParametersType m_Parameters

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPointer

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
using itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::ConstPointer = SmartPointer<const Self>

Definition at line 112 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

◆ InverseJacobianPositionType

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>

◆ JacobianPositionType

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>

◆ JacobianType

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>

Type of the Jacobian matrix.

◆ PhysicalDimensionsType

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
using itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::PhysicalDimensionsType = typename Superclass::SpacingType

Definition at line 255 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

◆ Pointer

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
using itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::Pointer = SmartPointer<Self>

Definition at line 111 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

◆ ScalarType

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>

Type of the scalar representing coordinate and vector elements.

◆ Self

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
using itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::Self = BSplineTransform

Standard class type aliases.

Definition at line 109 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

◆ Superclass

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
using itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::Superclass = BSplineBaseTransform<TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder>

Definition at line 110 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BSplineTransform()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::BSplineTransform ( )

◆ ~BSplineTransform()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::~BSplineTransform ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::ComputeJacobianWithRespectToParameters ( const InputPointType & ,
JacobianType &  ) const

Compute the Jacobian in one position.

◆ CreateAnother()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual::itk::LightObject::Pointer itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::CreateAnother ( ) const

◆ GetNameOfClass()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
const char * itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::GetNameOfClass ( ) const

◆ GetNumberOfParameters()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
NumberOfParametersType itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::GetNumberOfParameters ( ) const

Return the number of parameters that completely define the Transform.

Implements itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >.

◆ GetNumberOfParametersPerDimension()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
NumberOfParametersType itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::GetNumberOfParametersPerDimension ( ) const

Return the number of parameters per dimension.

Implements itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >.

◆ GetTransformDomainDirection()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual DirectionType itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::GetTransformDomainDirection ( ) const

Function to retrieve the transform domain direction.

◆ GetTransformDomainMeshSize()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual MeshSizeType itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::GetTransformDomainMeshSize ( ) const

Function to retrieve the transform domain mesh size.

◆ GetTransformDomainOrigin()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual OriginType itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::GetTransformDomainOrigin ( ) const

Function to retrieve the transform domain origin.

◆ GetTransformDomainPhysicalDimensions()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual PhysicalDimensionsType itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::GetTransformDomainPhysicalDimensions ( ) const

Function to retrieve the transform domain physical dimensions.

◆ GetTransformTypeAsString()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
std::string itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::GetTransformTypeAsString ( ) const

Generate a platform independent name

Implements TransformBaseTemplate< double >.

◆ InsideValidRegion()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
bool itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::InsideValidRegion ( ContinuousIndexType & ) const

Check if a continuous index is inside the valid region.

◆ New()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
static Pointer itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::New ( )

New macro for creation of through the object factory.

◆ PrintSelf()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::PrintSelf ( std::ostream & os,
Indent indent ) const

Print contents of an BSplineTransform.

◆ SetCoefficientImageInformationFromFixedParameters()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetCoefficientImageInformationFromFixedParameters ( )

Construct control point grid size from transform domain information in the fixed parameters.

Implements itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >.

◆ SetCoefficientImages()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetCoefficientImages ( const CoefficientImageArray & images)

Set the array of coefficient images.

This is an alternative API for setting the BSpline coefficients as an array of SpaceDimension images. The fixed parameters are taken from the first image. It is assumed that the buffered region of all the subsequent images are the same as the first image. Note that no error checking is done.

Warning: use either the SetParameters() or SetCoefficientImages() API. Mixing the two modes may results in unexpected results.

Implements itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >.

◆ SetFixedParameters()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetFixedParameters ( const FixedParametersType & passedParameters)

This method sets the fixed parameters of the transform. For a BSpline deformation transform, the fixed parameters are the following: grid size, grid origin, grid spacing, and grid direction. However, all of these are set via the much more intuitive SetTransformDomainXXX() functions

The fixed parameters are the three times the size of the templated dimensions. This function has the effect of make the following non- existing functional calls: transform->SetGridSpacing( spacing ); transform->SetGridOrigin( origin ); transform->SetGridDirection( direction ); transform->SetGridRegion( bsplineRegion );

With recent updates to this transform, however, all these parameters are set indirectly by setting the transform domain parameters unless the user sets them with SetFixedParameters().

This function was added to allow the transform to work with the itkTransformReader/Writer I/O filters.

Implements itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >.

◆ SetFixedParametersFromCoefficientImageInformation()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetFixedParametersFromCoefficientImageInformation ( )

◆ SetFixedParametersFromTransformDomainInformation()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetFixedParametersFromTransformDomainInformation ( const OriginType & meshOrigin,
const PhysicalDimensionsType & meshPhysical,
const DirectionType & meshDirection,
const MeshSizeType & meshSize )

◆ SetFixedParametersGridDirectionFromTransformDomainInformation()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetFixedParametersGridDirectionFromTransformDomainInformation ( ) const

Methods have empty implementations

Implements itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >.

Definition at line 316 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

◆ SetFixedParametersGridOriginFromTransformDomainInformation()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetFixedParametersGridOriginFromTransformDomainInformation ( ) const

Methods have empty implementations

Implements itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >.

Definition at line 310 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

◆ SetFixedParametersGridSizeFromTransformDomainInformation()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetFixedParametersGridSizeFromTransformDomainInformation ( ) const

Methods have empty implementations

Implements itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >.

Definition at line 307 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

◆ SetFixedParametersGridSpacingFromTransformDomainInformation()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetFixedParametersGridSpacingFromTransformDomainInformation ( ) const

Methods have empty implementations

Implements itk::BSplineBaseTransform< double, 3, 3 >.

Definition at line 313 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

◆ SetTransformDomainDirection()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetTransformDomainDirection ( const DirectionType & )

Function to specify the transform domain direction.

◆ SetTransformDomainMeshSize()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetTransformDomainMeshSize ( const MeshSizeType & )

Function to specify the transform domain mesh size.

◆ SetTransformDomainOrigin()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetTransformDomainOrigin ( const OriginType & )

Function to specify the transform domain origin.

◆ SetTransformDomainPhysicalDimensions()

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SetTransformDomainPhysicalDimensions ( const PhysicalDimensionsType & )

Function to specify the transform domain physical dimensions.

◆ TransformPoint() [1/3]

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
virtual void itk::BSplineBaseTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::TransformPoint ( const InputPointType & inputPoint,
OutputPointType & outputPoint,
WeightsType & weights,
ParameterIndexArrayType & indices,
bool & inside ) const

Transform points by a BSpline deformable transformation. On return, weights contains the interpolation weights used to compute the deformation and indices of the x (zeroth) dimension coefficient parameters in the support region used to compute the deformation. Parameter indices for the i-th dimension can be obtained by adding ( i * this->GetNumberOfParametersPerDimension() ) to the indices array.

◆ TransformPoint() [2/3]

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
OutputPointType itk::BSplineBaseTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::TransformPoint ( const InputPointType & point) const

Transform points by a BSpline deformable transformation. On return, weights contains the interpolation weights used to compute the deformation and indices of the x (zeroth) dimension coefficient parameters in the support region used to compute the deformation. Parameter indices for the i-th dimension can be obtained by adding ( i * this->GetNumberOfParametersPerDimension() ) to the indices array.

◆ TransformPoint() [3/3]

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
void itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::TransformPoint ( const InputPointType & point,
OutputPointType & outputPoint,
WeightsType & weights,
ParameterIndexArrayType & indices,
bool & inside ) const

Transform points by a BSpline deformable transformation. On return, weights contains the interpolation weights used to compute the deformation and indices of the x (zeroth) dimension coefficient parameters in the support region used to compute the deformation. Parameter indices for the i-th dimension can be obtained by adding ( i * this->GetNumberOfParametersPerDimension() ) to the indices array.

Member Data Documentation

◆ SpaceDimension

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
unsigned int itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SpaceDimension = VDimension

Dimension of the domain space.

Definition at line 121 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

◆ SplineOrder

template<typename TParametersValueType = double, unsigned int VDimension = 3, unsigned int VSplineOrder = 3>
unsigned int itk::BSplineTransform< TParametersValueType, VDimension, VSplineOrder >::SplineOrder = VSplineOrder

The BSpline order.

Definition at line 124 of file itkBSplineTransform.h.

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